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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 20230

I’m gonna start birth control because of my PMDD
How much is my body going to change? My doctor said I’ll gain weight/boobs
Also, will this give me hips? I really don’t want a feminine figure

I’m anorexic, I just want to know how much it will affect me so I don’t freak out and end up killing myself

Anonymous 20237

Hormonal bc never made me gain weight, you're neurotic

Anonymous 20238

nta but weight gain is a common side effect. Just because it didn't happen to you doesn't mean it's not a real possibility.

Anonymous 20250

Don't do it, you may drastically gain weight. Especially since you are underweight and unhealthy. It also will make you even more miserable, you might have nausea. Don't stop your body's natural process of shedding eggs every month.

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