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Anonymous 20245

Should I use mineral or chemical sunscreen? Which one do you use?

Anonymous 20249

I want to use mineral but they all seem to be so drying. And the white cast is unavoidable. So I'm with chemical now until there's a better option…

Anonymous 20251

I use a mineral sunscreen when I don't mind the white cast. I'm thinking of switching to a Korean chemical sunscreen for when I want to look my best. Chemical sunscreen does cause cancer though.

Anonymous 20252

Thank you for this thread because I have now discovered mineral/physical sunscreens are better for hyperpigmentation so I guess I'm gonna stick with that. Coincidentally the one I currently have is a mineral one. The white cast is annoying but I don't take pictures of myself so I guess it's not like it matters. The one I use is a baby one which thankfully isn't too drying but I still have to layer it over my cream cause my skin is very dry. Originally bought it cause it was supposed to be good for sensitive skin but I guess has multiple upsides for me.

Anonymous 20254

I use chemical because mineral feels too thick and makes me not want to use it.

Anonymous 20255

>Chemical sunscreen does cause cancer though.
Not all of them do.

Anonymous 20291

Mineral sunscreen because it's more protective. Only with zinc oxide though. Was titanium dioxide not banned?

Anonymous 20296

In skittles

Anonymous 20502

i'm just staying out of the sun during the hottest hours (10 am to 2pm) and let my skin handle it.

Anonymous 20506

The sunscreens I use are a mix of both, but I do prefer chemical sunscreens as I also make an effort to stay out of the sun.

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