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What is the Soylen…

Meal Replacements Anonymous 20292

What are your favorite meal replacements? I like the taste of original Soylent but it expires too fast. Atkins shakes and bars are pretty good, albeit pricey.

Anonymous 20511

Ensure protein plus but the sugar content can be a little sickening at times

Anonymous 20514

i guess since you enjoy industial food so much, you identify as a steam engine.

what possible excuse is there to sustain yourself with this stupid shit, you don't have half an hour to get food and another half an hour to prepare it? that's too much to ask? you so busy pretending to be 20 different people on Instagram that you can't be bothered with eating food your organism can actually digest.

this is why wars were fought, so that you can pretend you are a 1990s investment banker on the floor of wallstreet, sweating through your shirt screaming stock orders, too busy to have a good meal so instead you opt for industrially produced powdered soy. i look down on you.

Anonymous 20582

it's been 19 days, the undiginified consumervictim op has provided no justification whatsoever as to what possible excuse there could be to subject an innocent human organism to this kind of abuse.

are you so much in a rush to complete your 3 simultaneous university degrees that you can't be bothered to take good care of your human machine once a day?

health and beauty… gimme a break, this stuff makes humans sick and ugly.

Anonymous 20620

Keto chow is incredible

Anonymous 20640

I sometimes drink slimfast for a meal replacement because I don't always like eating breakfast/lunches but I need something to keep my stomach quiet.
It's fast and simple and I can drink it on the way to work.

Anonymous 20669

>something to keep my stomach quiet

are you in conflict with your body? it sounds like it is bother you and keeping you from climbing the corporate ladder.

Anonymous 20675

>corporate ladder
Lol. Don't care.
I like to keep my body in a state of limbo where it think it gets food only to deny it and gorge later on after work.

Anonymous 20681

>it think it gets food only to deny it and gorge later on after work

that does sound like corporate ladder a bit but feel free to remain in denial about it…

i can tell your relation to your body is out of sync when you feel the need to fool your body. i guess you tried just not eating all day and only eating in the evening but your body rebelled against your management. in theory this should not be a problem, one meal a day. i guess you eat a lot of candy and drink coffee and potentially use medication that also stresses your body.

i just eat fruit all day and when i am eating something heavy, i eat it in the evening. that's almost one meal a day with the added benefit that i don't need coffee to help me poop.

girl, just two bananas (or how ever many) during the day could save your life from this industrial nightmare wrecking havoc on your body and keep you from turning into a muppet with age.

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