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Anonymous 20313

I would like to remind everyone that the ladies working at ulta and saphora don't know wtf they are talking about
>in ulta
>ask girl where they keep their CeraVe products
>she scrunches up her face
>"you know, we have some much better skin products for the same price"
>she shows me some jar bottled skincare that's more perfume than product
>read ingredients, has alchohol and a bunch of other shit I know is bad

I should have known, considering she had a bunch of acne under her makeup

Another story
>go to saphora
>ask girl for a gel eyeliner that will stay in place really well and not smudge
>she shows me some popular, expensive brand and I buy it
>it smudges worse than anything I've ever bought
>my fucking colorpop eyeliner is better

They suck

Anonymous 20315

They know what they're talking about. They just want you to spend more money than necessary and get rid of products no one wants.

Anonymous 20318

Heard the aritzia ones are mean on purpose
In the end they're just doing their work, selling you store stuff. They're not advisors.

Anonymous 20327

I have a story about this as well.
>in sephora
>first time going to that location
>ask girl at the counter to show me where the mascaras are
>she points to a corner with a stand and a bunch of boxes and shit
>"that's the lash section"
>walk over to find its a flash eyelash display

Anonymous 20331

Honestly I think the girls at Ulta are just trolling us pretending to know a thing about makeup

Anonymous 20685

>go to lux beauty store for drugstore brand
>believes cerave doesnt have alcohol

Anonymous 20686

yeah… you have a good point there.

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