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Working out to make up for being ugly Anonymous 20351

Do you do the same? Because I lost in the genetic lottery I started to get those cheeks

Anonymous 20353

How are you ugly nona? Do you dislike your face? I think there's always some things you can do to improve your looks, even your face itself if you don't like it. But yeah working out and a healthy lifestyle are essential parts of it. Maybe you'll see positive changes in the things that make you seem ugly as well? Or is it really something specific you're unhappy with?

Personally I kind of like my face, sure sometimes I wish I was prettier but I think it suits me. Also even though I don't resemble her too much, I really like the way my mom looks, so it kinda makes it easier to see the beauty in certain features. I've been working out on and off, for the periods I do work out in I manage to keep it quite consistent. Trying to get back to that state rn, I like the state of my body at the moment too, so it's kinda hard to find motivation to work out as it's really more for health, improving my skin and me trying to 'age gracefully' right now. I do have another huge insecurity regarding my body tho. Unfortunately I don't think working out more seriously will make up for it.

Anonymous 20365

I feel you nona, i dont think theres much i can do to improve myself other than be skinny at least

Anonymous 20366

I hate that I am fat, I hate that I am always fat. I want to be skinny but it's hard. So I work out to develop muscle to look more shapely and it works to some extent.

Anonymous 20426


I've got a very obvious pear body shape, so I started lifting to make it more of a hourglass. Plus, it's good for you

Anonymous 20453


>Because I lost in the genetic lottery

so tired of you people. have you ever seen a gene? probably not. the people in the labcoats you are conveyorbelted into blindly trusting said they exist and then some people started saying things aren't their fault because of those genes and now you say it. that's all there is most likely to it.

but have you verified that this is true? have you looked at genes under a microscope and tried to understand their effect on an individual lifeform or did you just kind of like the idea and it was convenient to start to believe in it because others were doing it too?

i wonder who or what else you would blame if you could not blame genes. probably god. such idiocy. it all just boils down to you not being responsible for anything about yourself. sucks to see a life fail because of something so basic as to understanding what is within the control of the individual and what is not. like a flower who never opened up it's petals even though it could have, if it merely knew it had the ability to.

Anonymous 20454

shutup lol

Anonymous 20455

>it all just boils down to you not being responsible for anything about yourself.

you’re right. i have brown eyes because in the womb i told God to give me brown eyes, not like it was inherited or anything

Anonymous 20456

>i have brown eyes because in the womb i told God to give me brown eyes

that's confusion over what is within your control and what isn't. you are as basic as insulted you to be.

if you can't handle getting dealt an eye color, go play sims where you can choose your eye color.

homeless puke on your face 🤮

Anonymous 20463

>have you looked at genes under a microscope and tried to understand their effect on an individual lifeform
Yes. In the second year of my microbiology degree we did a lab modifying the lacZ gene in E. Coli.

Anonymous 20466

>microbiology degree
🤮 if that is true, it is disgusting. a real disgrace. member covid when all you people did was poison the humans and threaten them with taking everything away from them? you're just a tool used by evil people for upward transfer of wealth. that's probably just the rage of being involuntarily celibate which is a life ugly people signed up for. but most likely you are just a liar trying to farm for a reaction.

if it is true, how did you during your education reach the conclusion, that genetics are destiny and that free will does not exist. you probably learned that for the Eugenics 1 exam.

Anonymous 20467

>that's confusion over what is within your control and what isn't
>it all just boils down to you not being responsible for anything about yourself
not even gonna say anything

>if you can't handle getting dealt an eye color, go play sims where you can choose your eye color

me when i lack comprehension skills

Anonymous 20470


what could you possibly say that does not reveal you as a fool barking at the moon. your pathetic demonization of the hand you were dealt with instead of identifying with what you actually are is no less a form of shame just because you phrase the denial in scientific language.

if your nose is crooked you are loyal to your crooked nose and you don't wish for another nose because it is your nose! stand by it instead of cursing it because it is not the nose you would have chosen. that's not why you're ugly. ugly is a state of mind that you sign up for.

you are not a piece of lego where you switch out parts, you are a plant that grew out of the ground.

Anonymous 20471

now that i see your point, i respect what you’re saying, but id still have to disagree honestly

Anonymous 20472

First of all, that was the gooberment and the medical doctors, not microbiologists. I and had very little to do with medicine.
Second of all, I never said anything about free will. I just said I put some DNA in some bacteria to make it better or worse at earing milk. That's it. That was my whole post.

Anonymous 20473


>First of all, that was the gooberment and the medical doctors, not microbiologists. I and had very little to do with medicine.

these are just people equally shapable into whatever the evil machine currently needs, no different from you. you would have complied. you would have obeyed every evil command especially if you would have been rewarded monetarily for it like a good dog. you are dependent on the same few malevolent sources of money and are always one refusal away from having everything taken away from you. you are the same soulless machine without principals as they are. nobody dreams of being a microbiologist as a child, this is not a genuine passion of you. the reason you chose that profession is the reason you can be pushed around.

>Second of all, I never said anything about free will. I just said I put some DNA in some bacteria to make it better or worse at earing milk. That's it. That was my whole post.

you didn't have to say it. you are still young and dumb, you don't see how everything is connected yet.

the fat guy does not need to say he likes cookies. of course he does. the soulless scientist does not have to say she does not believe in free will, of course she doesn't.

you don't seem to have seen this yet but people generally do not stray away from what their job needs them to be. they don't like it when this is discussed, they call it stereotypes and are quick to mention any counter-example they can come up with but once you see how the world of adults work, you'll understand that people are just job-machines and nothing more. if you have known a few people who work as <insert job>, then you know them all because the reality and the requirements of the job shapes those people into identical clones. you will walk the exact same path, develop the exact same personality, say the same things, have the same preferences and opinions. you notice the same details and value the same traits.

you don't see it but i already see you life's path and my disdain for you is based on what you have done in your life but also what you inevitable will be made to do.

took the time to made it rhyme: i guess this comes across as mean, i don't mean to be mean but you are nothing but a machine i have already seen.

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