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Anonymous 20359

Why are modern beauty/fashion/makeup trends so toxic for women? Especially the obsessed with being skinny

Anonymous 20360

I'd say they always have been toxic, but there's more exposure due to (social) media.

Also I hate to mention it but do other people not think the obvious holding-my-breath pose looks awkward? Like you can easily tell, does it not look weird to people?

Also the smile and face on the reality pic is super cute and her mole placement is sooo nice.

Anonymous 20361

Everybody who makes money off of being hot's picture/videos should come with a QR code that links to a pic of them in "the reality" pose with no makeup on.

Anonymous 20362


Anonymous 20363

lol agree
beauty trends have always been toxic for women in every time period. the false importance placed on our outward appearance takes effort and appreciation away from our actions, which are what really define us. we need: nourishing food so we can think and move properly, comfortable clothes so we can be protected from the elements, and basic hygiene so we stay healthy. everything beyond that is extra and some women pile on so much extra they forget to live. i don't preach too hard to other people, i just try to be a good example by being happy and pleasant in public

Anonymous 20364

>boohoo i have to strike a pose for pictures that i earn revenue on
some of you are too soft ngl, I'd kill to be her in the 'reality' pic

Anonymous 20367

>>boohoo i have to strike a pose for pictures that i earn revenue on
That's not the point at all tho?

Anonymous 20368

Short answer: Because it sells products and services.

That picture means to show that most of what you as the consumer of the content sees on social media is fake and doesn't reflect reality.

Anonymous 20923

>Why are modern beauty/fashion/makeup trends so toxic for women? Especially the obsessed with being skinny

i don't think it is toxic at all. if you are active instead of sitting on the couch and eat real food that your body is able to digest instead of constipating you then you will be skinny automatically. just do a lot and don't eat the goo, that is all there is to it. tell me how this is toxic.

it is very easy to be skinny. just don't be seduced by the rot. just don't participate in the childish cultural idiocy of eating and drinking for pleasure and short term stimulation.

all this shit is not meant to be eaten by humans:
energy drink

have you ever fasted, disgraceful op? it is a mindblowing experience literally. it blew my mind to watch myself turn into a demon trying to trick myself into eating bread. but i did endure and gained quite a bit of strength.

i heard none of you enormous couch potatoes ever talk about how wonderful fasting is. do it just for a little bit and benefit your whole life from the strength it will make you discover in yourself!

the other thing i don't hear you talk about is how wonderful dancing is. if you know how wonderful dancing feels, you become active automatically. it is not a chore to move your body, the systems in your wait on and depend on you moving and once you do, your body glows from the inside.

if you are active and eat the stuff your body was meant to digest, then you will become skinny automatically. skinnier then these dead-inside puppets on instagram.

Anonymous 20948

>That picture means to show that most of what you as the consumer of the content sees on social media is fake and doesn't reflect reality.
NTA, but feeling argumentative for no particular reason today.
Most of the perception cultivated in any career field is fake. Like teaching, for example. Nobody really thinks the attitudes, opinions, mannerisms exhibited by your teachers were reflective of who they really are or how they live or have lived. There's a cultivated fake "teacher" persona that's considered a crucial part of the job.

There's a thing called "the Influencer Accent" – but that influencer style of speech is practiced by teachers, specifically, in order to retain attention for an hour or more.

We all know or feel on a deep instinctive level that teachers aren't real people even when we're little kids. What's to be learned from showing that internet phoneys are also not real people, when pretty much everyone already had that much closer and much more intense lesson in public school?

Anonymous 20981

>We all know or feel on a deep instinctive level that teachers aren't real people even when we're little kids.
That's just you schizo

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