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Anonymous 20369

Why is being skinny considered so important?

Anonymous 20370

Anonymous 20371

Because it's exclusive and people want in on that.

Anonymous 20372


It signals several things:

self control/ascetism to a degree
physical health/hormonal health
associated with elegance and grace
being thin and delicate is feminine
it also just has better aesthetic appeal desu, the more clear shape language and interaction between them, the more interesting and mathematically pleasing.

Anonymous 20373


It also just signals a kind of brainwashed / delusional mania to me if you are still obsessed with looking a certain way while moids are typically repulsively damn ugly compared to us women. I love attractive women but i hate ugly men. There is no winning the game trying to look attractive while men look ugly. Even if you look attractive as a woman you still lose unfathomable amounts having to waste time on men. It is just becoming more and more brutally clear to me that no matter how good i look men are such a dealkiller usually lookswise and personality wise it all feels futile. They completely stop caring and lean into full on gross inevtiably personality et al.

More than anything though, the very worst thing is how you're brainwashed to be easy to manipulate, con and lie to from a very young age, and then men complain "oh you just got with a shitty man, you have horrible taste in men"

But it takes a lifetime to erase the horseshit that EVERY girl is brainwashed with as a child.

I mean even if you're lucky enough to find one that doesn't suck you had to waste your time and life being harrasssed by them living around their coldness, brutal indifference, emotional vacuums, breathing the same oxygen as them, being bullied, slandered, psychologically manipulated by them, tolerating their bigotry and domineering shittyness.

Even the nice ones are just fucking entitled when you go home with them and really get to know them. There is virtually nothing good about men so its basically a moot point whether you're thin or not.

Anonymous 20374

Basically you should enjoy your life to the limit and fuck people who try to impose this idea that its worthwhile to slave away to attract men while they do mostly nothing REAL emotionally or physically to attract us, they do what they do to please themselves more than anything. They even impose their idea of what is attractive onto us and gaslight us if we try to tell them otherwise.

No image obsessed woman can ever actually sell me on the idea i should be envious of her. No woman with a brain actual participates in that horseshit because its garbage in garbage out no matter what you look like.

Anonymous 20375

>she thinks everything you do must be for others (moids)
how about you live your life happy and healthy?
having social power (being attractive) is more than just being candy for men. you have the choice of using your power to get a better life, work better jobs and help other women around you. yet you choose to wallow in the idea that everyone lives the same life and shares the same perspective. YOURE making this about men when it could be about yourself and women.

Yes, men will intrude and be annoying and still be vile, but the world being a harsh place is never an acceptable reason to give up and be nihilistic.

Anonymous 20376

Yeah none of that has anything to do with being happy.

I don't give up i just couldn't give a fuck about being what they want and you couldn't pay me a billion dollars to participate or BELIEVE the congame of beauty and femininity perpetuated by walking talking swine. The REAL defeat is caring and getting your happiness from slaving to feminine role playing for points that land you in a cognitive sewer either way.

Anonymous 20377

Plus we're not stupid we see how it goes in real life. Real life ropes you in with social blackmail into little behaviors and walls you cant cross that keep you in internal hell no matter what you do. Femininity ? Just fuck me gently with a chainsaw.

Anonymous 20381

Femininity is an actual cognitive shithole enforced everywhere you go by cowards who don't know how to cross lines of freedom because they never have and they're jealously furious if you go without them. If you think presenting feminine isn't being cosmically and psychologically screwed leave me the hell out of your drama. I know you're insufferable mindgames now i had to grow up around them and it took years to rip misogyny and womens mindgames out of myself. Stay in your own stupid hell that you chose for yourself and leave me the FUCK out of it forever thank you.

Anonymous 20383

And like you know i dont even care that you chose that existence if you really like it, either. I feel like i should say this. I really like beautiful women and i like looking at them on tumblr, when they're removed from the rest of society at large and i dont have to think about how they're screwed by men and just the concept of femininity, how they can't SEE how they're mentally fucked by the inane performance

But whats unforgivable AND INSANE is this immense and universal pressure to ACTUALLY try to convince me and other women that we're actually missing something if we wouldn't wipe their asses with femininity to attract men.

Think about it that is lunacy. You HAVE to realize how batshit that sounds. That i "must not be happy" because i won't waste a bbreath attracting or placating scrote plagues is breathtakingly unbelievable. Holy f they are a plague and a scourge on our daily lives and have been for most of history. I don't know why we all pretend they changed since women's liberation bcuz hmmm reasons.

Anonymous 20384


The reason for this is as simple as it is brutal: the rich and powerful men of this world have been dirty whore-fuckers at every point in human history. Women, however, have never sold their bodies out of lust - but out of necessity. Mostly because they could not feed themselves and their families because a man who supported them had died or otherwise disappeared. The richest and most powerful men always looked for the thinnest hookers, because these were the women in the greatest need and allowed themselves to be humiliated the most and forced to do things that even other hookers who were at least reasonably well-fed did not want to do to themselves.

Declaring the figure of an always hungry woman to be the ideal of beauty is merely a cruel manifestation of the continuous sexual exploitation of women. It has nothing to do with beauty per se. The perception of beauty is absolutely subjective and it is not beauty that decides who we love, but love that decides who we find beautiful.

Anonymous 20394

I've never seen this take before, but it's interesting. Is it "it came to me in a dream" or is there a book or paper I could read about it?

Anonymous 20396

Never heard of this either. I’m pretty sure body preferences change depending on region and era, many eras have preferred bigger women, even now- Brazilian women are shamed for being skinny, especially if they lack t&a. No era prefers 300lbs women. It’s also a no brainer that dominant cultures (american, rich asian, rich euro) will dictate what is conventionally beautiful globally.

Anonymous 20397

> Declaring the figure of an always hungry woman to be the ideal of beauty is merely a cruel manifestation of the continuous sexual exploitation of women.

Since when are skinny women always hungry? Isn’t it overweight women who are always hungry? That’s like the biggest risk factor to being overweight is uncontrollable hunger & lack of discipline while eating. Genuinely curious, because I’m shocked when my bigger friends will order $20 starbucks drinks & be ready to eat a full dinner less than an hour after.

Anonymous 20398


>Why is being skinny considered so important?

never mind this group-victim perspective you are coming from.

i've been doing mono fruit fasting and juice fasting for years. means eating nothing, drinking nothing and only eating one fruit (or in the case of juice fasting only drinking the freshly made juice from one fruit).

is very easy to lose weight that way. made me lose respect for people who can't lose weight. i try to be nice, i try to be humble and polite and treat everyone nice, but the truth is i consider people who can't lose weight as damaged.

i've gone pretty far once. my bmi was like 17,5. only drank watermelon juice for weeks. my bones were sticking out, i looked like a skeleton. you could easily see it in my face. my eyes hurt because without the protective little cushions of fat, the skin of my face was streching over my eyes, lightly pushing on them all day. like wearing a slightly too tight turtleneck but over my face.

THAT WAS TOO LIGHT. but then just with a little bit of cushion, bmi 19, bmi 20, that's such a nice way to exist. that's being light as a feather, being full of energy, perfect for the summer. it is silly how easy movement becomes with bmi 19. just the effortlessness and grace of going for a run, like it was the most natural thing in the world. no self-convincing and pumping myself up to go for a run, nothing of the sort. just a dignified turn in the direction of space and whoOOOOOOOOOoop i'm already running.

i believe it is meant to feel like that as a human. light, full of energy, constant effortless movement.

THE DIFFERENCE!!!!! just the difference between bmi 21 and bmi 22. you'd think the difference is small but you'd be wrong. you can feel it. the sudden heavy breathing, the heavy sighing, the depressed emotional ooooohs and aaaaahs. the constant disappointment and regret, the sweating, the stinking, the pimples, the constantly feeling hot, the mood swings, the instability.

it just sucks to weigh a small amount extra, just makes the life worse. why make the life worse when you can have the life better, makes no sense to me.

Anonymous 20399



i thought your text was interesting and well thought out. this connection of being hungry i have never encountered from someone else or considered myself.

the one thing i believe you are not seeing is how industrialization and civilization fucked up the human diet and trained humans to eat stuff they have no reasonable ability to digest.

what you write make a lot of sense for people who >drink coffee
>drink alcohol
>eat pasta
>eat bread
>eat cheese
>eat pizza
>eat ice cream
>eat potato chips

but that is not what the human was meant to eat.

only consume fruits, vegetables, nuts and herbs for a while, get in touch for what is normal for the monkey that dared to climb down the tree 200.000 years ago, see how good it feels.

you'll see that almost everyone is basically putting the wrong fuel in their human machine and suffer needlessly because of it. peace to you.

Anonymous 20402

Fruit fasting sounds terrifying. How did it make you feel when you were on it? I had a diet of steamed broccoli + water for a time and I kept having fainting spells at school. I’d be emotional and cry at the smallest things and get overwhelmed easily. I was an absolute nightmare to be around.

Anonymous 20405

Being skinny is important because it's esthetically please to look at and there are less health risks associated with it. Also typically bigger people have body odor issues which can be offensive to moids

Anonymous 20406

>Is definitely at least 300lbs

Anonymous 20407

>fantasy thinks she's rejecting men
>reality no man wants her

Anonymous 20409

It doesn't actually work for you anymore scrotes, there's a reason dating apps are populated by 90% moids. Keep telling yourself these delusions though.

Anonymous 20411

Even if you DID get a woman to touch you (We all know women are notorious for stonewalling men from virtually every side in 80% of situations) Even if you found a girl that acknowledged your existence you'd have to work overtime and if she was really attractive she'd probably eat you for lunch and move onto the next guy in a day. These women get whoever they want or learn that they can eventually, they dont settle for balding rk9 pissAnts :D

Anonymous 20418


>Fruit fasting sounds terrifying. How did it make you feel when you were on it? I had a diet of steamed broccoli + water for a time and I kept having fainting spells at school. I’d be emotional and cry at the smallest things and get overwhelmed easily. I was an absolute nightmare to be around.

is a trip! i recommend doing this slowly and in increments.

1st time: 1 day
2nd time: 2 days
3rd time: 3 days
4th time: 6 days
5th time: 1 week

because i did it this slowly and i was already in my 30s when i started, it was pretty mild. toxic emotions can bubble up since this detoxifies the body and the mind. nothing more dramatic then a few moments of frustration that quickly passed.

when i did it for ~3 weeks the first time i remember WATCHING COOKING VIDEOS ALL DAY LOOK AT FOOD CONSTANTLY but i wasn't eating any! i never cheated once. i was just creepily oogeling the food through a screen! doing this build a relationship with the self that i had no reference for. complete command over myself in a way i did not believe possible before. it strengthens the will, it sheds illusion, it made me smarter (which makes sense because this detoxifies the lymphatic system in the brain), it enhanced my senses (which makes sense because it drains the sinuses. never before did i realize how bad a city STIIIINKS! it is unbearable how bad it smells once the nose functions the way it was intended!)

your story sounds like you went very far very quickly. if you do it more carefully i am sure you'll have a more pleasant experience. oh god damn and people feel attracted, does not matter the gender, everyone wants a piece so i had to come up with ways to kind of not seem interesting to people in the way i dress, show up and wear my hair. an unfortunate necessity once the higher reaches of human potential are reached…

Anonymous 20420

st gregory.png

it's attached to the idea of gluttony which is seen as a character flaw
like >>20372 mentioned, there's a sort of moral ideal of asceticism behind it

Anonymous 20422

Ehm not to knock fruit but didnt this contribute to Steve Jobs' pancreatic cancer. Plus you need protiens and omega 3s.

Anonymous 20425

Sounds like bro-science
Probably good for losing weight but I'm not going to trust you
Just don't be retarded like this person. Absolutely drink water if you do any kind of fast

Anonymous 20427

>>20422 Ehm not to knock fruit but didnt this contribute to Steve Jobs' pancreatic cancer.

maybe he was poisoned beyond what natural detoxification was able to expell, i dunno. i don't trust that the information about him is accurate, he seems like he was in the way of what the people who make the decision wanted apple to become. now he is dead and apple is just another corporation, a bad cog in a bad machine.

>Plus you need protiens and omega 3s.

yeah all of you believe a bunch of stupid shit that you probably learned from the covid nurse. is rude, i know, i'm supposed to treat you like you are a person but at this point after so many years of stupid shit you still cling to the illusory consumer normality like a moth that is drawn to the light.

you're full of beliefs that are not true and based on those faulty beliefs, you make bad decisions and these bad decisions reduce the quality of your life. the more of those beliefs you hunt down, the better your life will feel. i wish you good luck but also get away you disgusting normie, i look down on you and your misery.

Anonymous 20428


>Sounds like bro-science

heh spoken like someone who does not even hide the complete inability to verify information yourself. you're drowning in a river hoping someone will throw you a life preserver basically.

>Probably good for losing weight but I'm not going to trust you

shallow like a puddle after a short rain. if you eat what you are supposed to eat, you can't even get fat from it. you can only get fat if your body clogs with stuff you were never meant to eat in the first place. ever seen a fat wild animal? i've seen foxes who were quite thin but they were quick and agile and electrically dialed into the collective. i better not speak about biological electricity (even though your entire nervous system and brain run on them) because you are so far away from understanding that, you'd just dismiss it as bro science; that's probably your undignified response to anything.

>Just don't be retarded like this person. Absolutely drink water if you do any kind of fast

girl you don't know anything. don't be giving people advice. professionals are doing dry fasting and there are good reasons for it. but it is not for beginners. beginners should do everything carefully and in small steps.

i think you got mixed up and meant to talk about FEASTING, that's probably better suited for you. you probably know everything about cake and how to make decorative foam made from milk on your coffee.

>oh is so kawaiiIII i made the foam on the coffee look like a cat jumping out of the cup!!

Anonymous 20433


>>staunchly against protien and omega3s D8<

Anonymous 20439

strange perspectiv…


i don't think your perspective on the human organism is all that valid…

Anonymous 20458

I think it's as easy as the fact that, short of having literal deformities, a skinny body is almost guaranteed to look nice. Whereas chub aesthetics are very dependent on the person's genes. I used to weigh 15 kilos above my usual average for a couple of years and guess what? It all fucking went into my shoulders and belly.

Anonymous 20497


I don't know and I wish I knew how to not care so much but I just want to be beautiful and skinny.

Anonymous 20498

you just live your life wrong. without responsibility and reason.

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