Anonymous 20386
Do wear make-up when you are alone at home or just when you go out? Do you even wear make-up at all? I just put a fuckload of kajal around my eyes, not because I want to look pretty for some dumb fuckers, but because it fits my attitude of a drunken pirate.
Anonymous 20387

>>20386i only wear makeup when i go outside and when i'm not too lazy to do it. I mostly just put on eyeshadow and mascara, not much more
Anonymous 20388
Sometimes, sometimes not. Depends on my mood I guess.
When I was younger and pretty insecure I didn't feel productive when I didn't put makeup on even if I stayed at home all day, I'm glad I've left that fase behind.
Anonymous 20389
>>20386I never do. I'm scared that once I start wearing it, I will perceive my normal face as weird and 'nude'. Also it costs a lot of money if you're dedicated to it and there's really no point for me as I just never got into it.
Anonymous 20391
I never do, I just don't see a reason to use any. I'm busy and don't have time for something people won't really care too much about, and I guess I'm also lucky that I feel okay with my face as it is, not to mention that some products can cost some $ just for not wanting to put something on your face that got rat piss on it at the chinese factory it was made in. Also I did put on make up once a few years ago, and I looked like shit.
Anonymous 20400
I wear makeup when I go to school because I want to fit in with the other girls
Anonymous 20401
>>20386I wear makeup at work & to go out. I like putting it on at home too for fun. I love my makeup kit because everything is cute and smells nice. I also buy quality stuff that will expire, so if I don’t use it up before it goes bad, it feels wasteful. I’ve been wearing less of it lately and focusing on skincare. It does make you feel ugly to come off wearing lots of makeup at first but you get used to it.
Anonymous 20423
I draw my eyebrows on but that's usually it, I used to mess around with eyeshadow a lot but I haven't felt like it.
Anonymous 20434
I used to wear it everyday back when I actually went outside not full face(except on special occasions)because I had acne, just eyebrows,eyes and contour. Nowadays I'm too lazy to bother
>not because I want to look pretty for some dumb fuckers, but because it fits my attitude of a drunken pirate.
based that's the same reason I've always had for wearing makeup too
Anonymous 20475
I used to wear it a decent amount but my self esteems basically fallen into goblin mode and my current job involves more sweating thusly I've given up on it during workdays
Anonymous 20477
i used to wear fake eyelashes everyday but whenever id mess them up id rage and rip them off which damaged my skin so i gave up