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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 20390

how to get more feminine body structure?

Anonymous 20393

you can't, the structure of your body won't change. don't be too skinny, that's a masculine trait.

Anonymous 20395

tranny thread

Anonymous 20451

how tbh, not all body types on a woman are feminine. this is a valid question

Anonymous 20452

the most feminine body structures are hourglass and pear. basically anything where your hip to waist ratio is great (as in quantity). both are determined by bone structure, and an hourglass is harder to get but being bottom heavy in one way or another is feminine, so train legs/ass/hipsn

Anonymous 20486

be female, that's it. consider the strength/health of your body rather than the shape of it <3

Anonymous 20487

We're on cc, a good portion of the users are moids and trannymoids. Women might even be a minority here actually.

Anonymous 20489

is this actually true? i don't disbelieve it, but are you exaggerating? i'm kinda in and out/new here, usually come here to try and make female friends. very disappointing how difficult it is to find a female space that isnt just soulless normies

Anonymous 20491

Browse this site for a couple days, it's not hard to notice the obvious scrote posts, and if you happen to catch the right post on 4chins you might even see moids admitting to infiltrating this place

Anonymous 20492

Exactly. Just look for the pedo shit and antisemitism

Anonymous 20493

man im too autistic for this shit

i thought this was a place for us, nona….. sabishi

Anonymous 20494

what is even the point then? is there another space to go to?

Anonymous 20646

Tbh, the fact that nsfw is relatively porn free makes me think that a good number of users are actually female

Anonymous 20647

When they are trying to larp something sexual and keep using the words "tits" and "pussy"

Anonymous 20648

Plenty of disgusting women on this site post about shota and criticizing semites is not a gendered topic.

Anonymous 20649

this site was fine until they came in. not fucking obsessing with pedophilia and race, its getting on my fucking nerves

Anonymous 20651

literally have never seen a shotapost on this site only ever posts about lolis. shotaposting is only a thing moids pretend everyone here does to justify their own pedophilia when its brought up
kek. i dont doubt pedo women can exist but its 1% compared to 99% of male child molesters (and 100% of trannies into autopedophilia from /tttt/ that happen to heavily use this board)

Anonymous 20653

shotaposters get banned instantly fyi

Anonymous 20655

but posters saying they love lolis stays up

Anonymous 20656

really makes you think, right?

Anonymous 20657

its a psyop to make men look bad

Anonymous 20659

There is literally nothing wrong with cougering though. Looking at only at young men. Not shota, but young men? For sure. I wont ever waste my time with older men unless they're cute. Thankfully there are some cute older men but they're kind of rare, you never see them. Pretty much all men are pedos to some extent. Tell me the damn truth what are we even protecting them from???? Rofl they do not need our protection

Anonymous 20664

You're literally a pedophile if you look at young man at 21 when you're 29.

Anonymous 20665

Anonymous 20666

>nothing wrong with cougering
Post disregarded, I didn't state that. You can reread my post again so you understand before you try to reply.

Anonymous 20671

scrote opinions

Anonymous 20673

Seriously though think about it.This woman in france whose husband drugged her and had her raped by over a hundred men??? They're all filth no matter what age. You cannot have me believe the gender that does things like that ever needs protection from anybody. They grow up to dominate everything and overpower everything and make a case to destroy a ton they come in contact with. There are so many things they do, that we cant even possibly know about that they try to hide from us. There is nothing on this earth that we have to protect men from and i find it completely and utterly laughable when anyone tries to imply such a thing. They are worse than the xenomorph from alien.

Anonymous 20674

i think that anon is joking

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