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/hb/ - Health & Beauty


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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 20408

Are Instagram filters and Snapchat filters really changing how we look at ourselves?

Anonymous 20450

this is such a good thread imo, idk why no one replied. i don’t think so, but i think the overexposure to beauty online is..

Anonymous 20457


it just feeds illusion which will worsen all existing problems already caused by illusion. this hostility towards reality…

the webm i consider sickening. she is so swept up in illusion, she is not even loyal towards her own face. she agrees with the sentiment of her own face not being good enough and as soon as the filter hits, she smiles because she is a good bootlicker and finally looks how she is supposed to.

Anonymous 20459

It's only about people who are using social media or in other words the bottom of the barrel gutter trash of society. Let them die and move on

Anonymous 20462

you’re on crysta.cafe

Anonymous 20468

so tru

Anonymous 20469

Imageboards predate social media. Their lineage are forums and bulletin board systems. Social media is a term that is used to replace web 2.0

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