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Parental controls for myself Anonymous 20562

Hello everyone.
I have an android phone and I would like to add parental controls for myself to add blocking of impurity and bedtimes, etc, but every app I see is meant for actual parents and kids so they ask for two phones, the parent's and the child's. Any reccomendations? Thank you

Anonymous 20563

You are not a child. Have some self control.

Anonymous 20565

Why the anger?

Anonymous 20566

this is incredibly based. did this for two years and the positive impacts on my mental health were phrnomenal.

Anonymous 20567

i had my mother set the password thats how i did it btw

Anonymous 20581

i too believe this is childish. dont pretend this is hate like you did with the other post so dismissively.

that's playing with your naughty parts too much and asking for a chastity belt…

have some self control, every time you pick up the phone, catch yourself, put it down and ask yourself what else there is. don't tie your hands so that you can't have your addiction, just consciously reduce it as if you had any kind of say over your own actions like an adult.

Anonymous 20584

Nah anon don't listen to the dismissive anons. Everything about phones and the apps on it is designed to be addictive so it isn't a shocker that you are.

On android you can have duplicate apps, it's somewhere in the apps. So you could try using the copy to parental control the original. Alternatively get a cheap second hand phone, ask your parents or just use internet/app blockers that don't need a second phone.

Anonymous 20590

Everything about phones and the apps on it is designed to be addictive so it isn't a shocker that you are.

is just a stupid, wasteful approach. human life is short. transcend the desire to flee this place, this mindlessness that addiction needs to survive. fight it. if you shelter yourself from it, you will spend your life fleeing from it when you can just learn to ignore it. it is not hard but it takes time that the addiction convinces you you don't have. all these dumb young people saying "doesn't matter what i do, i'm not gonna be old anyways" and then they turn old and their whole basis for existence turned out to be invalid.

the first part of the fight is the hardest, that's when the addicted is still the weakest. but with every little success, the decision muscle grows and the fight becomes easier and at some point it is guarenteed victory over addiction every single time, reidentification with free will, transcendence of the desire to flee into illusion.

Anonymous 20592

>human life is short.
Yet you are here, on an obscure image board you would only know if you're pretty addicted to screens yourself. Don't act like you're above it lol.

Anonymous 20606


this place isn't even real. it is carefully curated.

Anonymous 20610

truth this place is just pixels on a screen, made up of triads, made up of atoms, made up of mostly nothing, nothing exists. yet everything exists, curated by god himself. god created cc.

Anonymous 20633

if you have an android phone you should have a digital and wellbeing tab in your settings where you can put time limits on apps and control when you can access them. you can easily turn them off so I'm not sure if that's what you're looking for though

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