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Healthy, sensory friendly, & low-effort meal/snack ideas? Anonymous 20611

Been struggling greatly with eating, as, not only do I have a diagnosed sensory processing disorder and issues with executive functioning due to neurodivergence and mental illness, but I also have a chronic stomach condition (it is similar to acid reflux but no doc has been able to find the root cause) that will be aggravated if I don’t eat healthily. This has caused eating to be an extremely stressful activity for me and I have lost quite a bit of weight due to this, whereas I used to be a lover of food and look forward to every meal.

Do any nonas have some nutritious, safe, and easy go-to meals and snacks that they’d care to share? Any foods/drinks/activities that you use specifically to help keep your weight up?

Thanks in advance to anyone who can help me out a little

Anonymous 20616

egg bites (eggs, veggies, cheese, etc in a muffin pan) are super easy to toss on bread and toast, pre-made salads, fruit & nut bites (date bites, power bites, etc), microwave rice bowls (you can buy packs of these at most grocery stores, just add a protein & veggies (maybe pre-chopped?)), frozen baos/steamed buns, frozen dumplings, potato/sweet potato (microwave for 5 minutes, cut open, add toppings), pre-made pasta salads

if your grocery has a deli area with pre-made options, explore those; sometimes you can find great deals and/or sometimes it's worth the cost to save the time/headache

hope this helps!!

Anonymous 20617

I work so much I'm the laziest bitch alive when I'm at home, so RICE is my friend. I make a big pot of it and keep it ready in a sealed container in the fridge. You can put ANY canned soup, cheese, meat , canned veggies or anything on top of that rice in a metal or glass baking dish for about 20 mins at 350. My favorite comfort edition is the chicken pot pie soup over the rice, or broccoli cheese. If you put a layer of cheese over the top of it, it's like a big crunchy chip. Hope this helps, and I hope you get some good meals on you. Eating can be stressful when you're low on energy, please take care.

Anonymous 20637

rice cooker with s…

>Do any nonas have some nutritious, safe, and easy go-to meals and snacks that they’d care to share? Any foods/drinks/activities that you use specifically to help keep your weight up?

i'd try peanutbutter but i noticed it kind of digests slowly /clogs a bit so i wouldn't eat it with bread (don't eat bread, it sucks); i'd stir a big spoon full of it into sauces, soups and stews. have you ever had asian rice dishes where they made peanut sauce? they most often used powdered instant peanut packages yet it still tastes amazing. when you make your own with real peanut butter, it comes out even better and it helps with keeping weight up because the peanut butter is heavy.

coconut milk is also amazing for this. just put some tomato paste with spices you like (curry, rosemary, oregano, whatever you fancy) into a pan, lightly toast everything and then drown it in (half a) can of coconut milk and you have an amazing sauce.

i'd also try dried olives (if you can find any, i currently can't) and dried tomato pieces. sprinkle them on a light meal to make it a bit heavier last minute. same with nuts. when i eat raw cabbage salad in the summer, i often put cashews or walnuts on it.

to make it easy and go-to (meaning both easy to make and also easy to clean afterwards), consider using a small rice cooker with a steaming basket. i have one where i can either put the lid on the rice cooker (when it only makes rice) or i can put the steaming basket on top and then put the lid on. it sits in between the lid and the rice bowl. i love it because it makes rice and it steams vegetables at the same time. steaming is so much better then cooking or frying because it doesn't destroy the food as hard.

Anonymous 20641

mix yogurt with hemp or chia seeds and berries and honey. Not exactly a meal but pretty filing and easy to make and tastes great.

Anonymous 20660

grapes and cottage cheese

Anonymous 20662

Pretty much any fruit and cottage cheese. Accept pineapple. Pineapple has some chemical in it that turns bitter when it comes in contact with dairy.

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