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sunscreen recs Anonymous 20613

i’m looking for a good facial sunscreen
>no white cast or pilling
>wont break me out
>under $20
i’ve been using neutrogena hydro boost bite it would give me a new zit every day. any good recommendations?

Anonymous 20614


I like this one. One bottle is technically under 20 usd but it's very little (90 ml) so it might be out of your budget. I no longer buy it because it became too expensive but it's really good.

Anonymous 20615

Beauty of Joseon is very good, I have sensitive and acne prone skin and it works well for me.

Anonymous 20629


Non-oily sunscreens market themselves as non-comedogenic
For avoiding white cast, look for chemical sunscreens since they don't use whitish minerals to absorb and deflect UV rays, but if they irritate your skin too much, then avoid products with oxybenzone in the ingredients
Picrel seems good
If you have to use a mineral sunscreen, then avoid products with titanium dioxide since that's worse for white cast, and apply sparingly

Anonymous 20630

my rec is don't use it. only stay few minutes in the sun when it is hottest and learn your safe window.

where i live, when i avoid the sun from 2 hours before 12:00 noon and 2 hours after 12:00 noon, i'm fine. where you live most likely you can find a similar window.

with disappointment i see that again crystal cafe is a breeding ground for victims of consumerism. i wonder which brand of sunscreen the wild animals buy from the wild animal convenience store🙄

Anonymous 20632

Living on the equator my only safe zone to go outside without sunscreen is when there is no sun or very slight sunrise/sunset (MAYBE up to 6:00 am and starting 6:00 pm if i'm not anal about being exposed to residual sunlight but even 5:30 pm sun is still too bright)
Putting on sunscreen is always a hassle though so I just walk out with a cap when the sun is already halfway past going down/is still weak going up. I'll only apply it if I really have to go out in the middle of the day

Anonymous 20634

la roche poosay

Anonymous 20636

i'd try a parasol

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