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Anonymous 20696

I feel like I have no chance against naturally beautiful women

Anonymous 20698

Which sport are we talking about? Biking? Running? Gymnastics? Lifting?

Anonymous 20701

angry duck.jpg


your first mistake is thinking you are in competition, the warrior mindset will ruin everything about you and turn you into a jealous narrative-driven conformist, a brainwashed consumer idiot constantly wasting attention on things not within your reach, resulting in you being too frustrated to appreciate the beauty around you and become part of it.

worry about the part of the garden you can tend to. become a reality-driven expert on your time and attention and bathe in the amazing feeling of watching yourself grow into the thing you want to be, given enough time, space and effort.

every second you waste thinking about what you call naturally beautiful women, you hold yourself back from becoming one, which is one of your options.

+there are things you are not doing that over the course of your life make you more beautiful, do those more.

-there are things you are doing that over the course of your life will make you more ugly, do these less.

=that's how you can become more naturally beautiful. good luck out there.

Anonymous 20704

based vomit emoji anon

Anonymous 20726

>I feel like I have no chance against naturally beautiful women

what's the status; is there a feeling of having a chance? 1 week ago it was none. maybe there is one now though.

Anonymous 20764

What are you competing for? Male attention? Money? Status?

If you think thsoe things are meaningful I have some news for you

Anonymous 20777

competing for sexual attraction is such a nightmare because you can't just be sexy to the person you like, you have to be sexy to all the other people that are around too and waste time and energy on the unwanted attention because the key to being rich in this age is to not take no for an answer and keep bothering. i live in a big city and at least to some extend most people have a rapist mentality. no sense of mutual consent whatsoever.

Anonymous 20806

Most women are naturally beautiful in their own way. It’s not a competition.

Anonymous 20810

that's some crazy cope

Anonymous 20813

Is it cope? I don't think I have ever seen an ugly woman unless she is obese/a drug addict/alcoholic but those are by choice

Men however are almost always ugly balding fucks after they turn 30

Anonymous 20816

>Is it cope? I don't think I have ever seen an ugly woman unless she is obese/a drug addict/alcoholic but those are by choice

good on you for understanding this, most people are still in the dark about how deeply their choices and habits effect them. they spend their whole life smoking, drinking alcohol, eating sickening food and not exercising, meanwhile they go around telling everybody what an unlucky hand they were dealt in life with all their ugliness and frequent health complications, never once questioning themselves. addiction to irresponsibility.

>Men however are almost always ugly balding fucks after they turn 30

same problem, foolish and unnecessary choices. you have to see a few good specimen making good choices to understand how much the years of making bad, shortsighted choices ruin a person.

even more befuddling to the average fool is the guilt of being a problem in this world instead of a solution and how that affects the body and the mind of a person. given enough life experience you will find that there are jobs where all the people who do that job become sick and ugly and die early while suffering depression and all the other easily preventable idiocy.

Anonymous 20818

>If depression was easily preventable, this site wouldn't exist

i understand many people are depressed, however this is horseshit. depression is not the only reason to like imageboards and i would very much hope they would still exist.

>broadly speaking. Depression isn't easy to get out from once one is in it.

to a difficult irresponsible person, everything is complicated and nothing is easy. you can find people to whom cracking an egg is hard, however once you know how to open the egg, they will agree that it is easy and always has been easy and that they were merely inexperienced.

>Not everyone can afford fixing their life

there is a lot people can't afford if throwing money at problems (or more broadly speaking: conventional, unreachable solutions) is the only solution that is being considered. i am still waiting on a single example of any of you believers of the unaffordability that i can not easily poke a hole in. this is nothing but pessimism and nihilism in denial.

>if for no other reason than lack of cognizance and perspective that would allow them to do so.

and who chooses your perspective?

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