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Face massages and face workout Anonymous 20721

>do they work?
>how effective?

Anonymous 20723

just do normal workout and try to not eat too much carb. Face gets healthier with the rest of your whole body, you can't isolate it

Anonymous 20724

It’s a good way to get wrinkles
Dragging your face skin is just gonna stretch it out and not accomplish much

Anonymous 20727

This is insane..don't scare me like that
Tbh I don't eat carbs at all and my BMI is 17, don't worry Abt body department

Anonymous 20728

I’ve gotten pretty good results from doing lymphatic drainage/circulation routines on my face and neck :) There are lots of good YouTubers (mainly East Asian) with routines you can follow along to.

Don’t listen to the person that said it’ll give you wrinkles. You’re not tugging and pulling at your skin. This is like saying that cleansing your face everyday gives you wrinkles.

Anonymous 20729

stretching your skin is literally how everyone in the world gets wrinkles. Also not eating carbs isn't enough, you need to also avoid oil and sugar and make sure you're drinking at least 2L of water a day so your face isn't oily but also then doesn't dry out. If you wash your face ever, use any decent unscented moisturiser right after. Natural sugars are ok like from cold pressed juice tho

Anonymous 20730

It's not stretching the skin, at all…face massages require using face oils or moisturizers or anything that'll make your fingers glide against your skin
If you're stretching it, youre doing it wrong.

Anonymous 20731

is coffee also bad for face health?

Anonymous 20733

not sure what those nonas were talking about either. this definitely doesnt stretch your face if youre using oils. ill say this though people who do these massages always seem to have a weird plastic surgery look after doing this, so im not sure if facial massages are the best way to enhance your face. maybe doing this non-excessively is okay

Anonymous 20734

>is coffee also bad for face health?

how about you not only worry about your face but your overall health or does it not matter what happens inside you as long as you give off the appearance of looking twenty?

i guess you only care about the parts of you that are being judged on instagram.

coffee messes with the human body, it teaches the body to rely on it and the body grows dependent.

dummies are saying "first thing in the morning i need my coffee or i can't guarantee for <whatever who cares>" and that's because they are addicts, slapping the backside of their ellbow impatiently in anticipation of their stupid chemicals.

and when the disgraceful addicts don't get it, they are tired constantly.

the human body is not meant to be operated in a way that it feels bad all the time. the human body is a dream manifestation machine and it is supposed to feel good and have energy for constant physical labour. i don't advise to work that hard from sunrise to sunset, but it is important to mention that every somewhat healthy human has the choice to. i believe coffee stands in the way of this choice. next time you drink a coffee and it tastes kind of sour, that was me taking a tiny poop in it. like this 💩

Anonymous 20739

You’re so right. Coffee addiction is absolutely pathetic. It tells us that you can’t even do something as simple as swap out the morning coffee for a green tea (which can be an equally satisfying and much healthier alternative).

Anonymous 20763

No one would be addicted to coffee if we didn't have to slave away at jobs that need us to overwork ourselves all the time. I mean look at retail jobs, they don't even allow you to sit. Some work 13-14 hours a day.

Anonymous 20765

I had a severe caffeine addiction and would get constipated if I didn’t drink it on top of getting intense migraines that would last for a week.

On average people spend between $3-5k a year on coffee depending on how fancy they like their drinks

Don’t drink coffee, you’ll be richer and healthier without it

Anonymous 20766

>No one would be addicted to coffee

i don't see reason to be this sure but whatever…

>if we didn't have to slave away at jobs that need us to overwork ourselves all the time.

newsflash nobody has to. i work part time and just make due with what little comes in each month. i prepare all my food from scratch and craft a lot of the things i want to have. they are usually not as good as paid alternatives but lately the experience has kicked in and some of my stuff is actually better suited for me then bought alternatives. this teaches me skills and i enjoy th process of learning how to do stuff, it is not a chore to me, i consider it a lovely way to spend my life.

i consider the people who work 40, 50 or 60 hours a week psychopaths with crooked priorities in life who compete for slightly better toys they don't even have the time to enjoy.

>I mean look at retail jobs, they don't even allow you to sit. Some work 13-14 hours a day.

while i completely agree with the sentiment, standing is so much better then sitting, this might be one of the only thing of the horrible experience of working retail that i would not mind. dealing with asshole customers or human ressource would make me lose my mind, i could not handle it. so i don't.

>I had a severe caffeine addiction and would get constipated if I didn’t drink it on top of getting intense migraines that would last for a week.

that's quite the unfortunate withdrawal syndromes. if things are this bad, the best way to do this i believe would be this: keep drinking the coffee (how ever many cups a day) and for each cup, take one sip of it and spit it into the sink. that is one sip less that is traveling to the body. and do this for a week, it should barely be noticable. and then the next week either continue with the cups with one sip less or (if no noticable withdrawal is felt) take two sips and spit them into the sink.

this gentle way of reducing habit to substances slowly i believe is way better. this cold turkey method i believe is nothing but suffering.

Anonymous 20772

>nobody has to.
You don't know how the world works. Where I live the only food you'll be able to afford to make from 'scratch' is instant noodles unless you have a high paying, skilled job or you work a lot.

Anonymous 20783

You don't know how the world works. Where I live the only food you'll be able to afford to make from 'scratch' is instant noodles unless you have a high paying, skilled job or you work a lot.

sounds like a horrible place, too bad for you the only way to be alive as a human today is to live in the exact place that you live in and there are no other places you could go where there is food available.

Anonymous 20785

There is plenty of food available, but you won't be able to afford making everything from scratch unless you have the time the money and the energy

Anonymous 20786

>There is plenty of food available, but you won't be able to afford making everything from scratch unless you have the time the money and the energy

i call bs, go prove it. make an example calculation and then i will ridicule it and point out all the flaws and the countless things you don't understand or know so i don't have to hear your silly theater anymore meant to display your highest priority in life: irresponsibility.

Anonymous 20815

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