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Suppliment Thread Anonymous 20827

I'm getting really into supplements recently and I honestly feel amazing on them.
My current setup is multivitamin + glutathione + NMN, and I'm thinking of adding CoQ10 next. I basically want to repair all my cells and DNA.
Any experience with these or others? Any recommendations?
Let's talk about supplements.

Anonymous 20828

>I basically want to repair all my cells and DNA.

how'd they get broken

Anonymous 20841

op has cancer I guess

Anonymous 20843

People accumulate DNA damage through exposure to UV and oxidants. The body has repair mechanisms for these but it eventually builds up. So I've been boosting the repair pathways and also trying to reduce the damage rate in the first place via antioxidants.

Anonymous 20855

>People accumulate DNA damage through exposure to UV and oxidants.

this would sound very nice in a marketing paragraph but i don't have the means to verify this sadly. so i don't know but i would expect this to be bs just from living in a culture of weaponized for-profit health products.

plus fundamentally the human digestion has been learning how to digest alive nutrients since the begining of life and processed food only for a few hundreds or thousands.

your capsules and tinctures are all highly processed dead isolates foreign to the human body and may be hard to digest while potentially doing little to no benefit. since digestion is a process requiring a lot of the body, you might be weakening yourself for little to no benefit, which is the opposite effect of what you are trying to achieve.

unless you are talking about herbal supplements, which i very much respect.

Anonymous 20862

Well everything I take is endogenous to the human body or plants (the glutathione comes from white tomatos) so it's not synthetic molecules per se. I do get what youre saying about getting it from foods and stuff rather than pill form, however its not fully practical because of the massive amounts of tomatoes, grapes, etc. you'd have to eat every day to get the effective doses.

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