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Anonymous 20846

What's the verdict on body modifications?

>Lip fillers

>Cheek injections
>Fake eyelashes
>Fake nails
>Hair bleaching

Anonymous 20847


>What's the verdict

what's with you going around looking for other people's judgement. just live your life and deal with the consequences of your actions. you must think you are in court and other people are the judges and you would never want to do anything that others disapprove of.

Anonymous 20848

It's kinda cringe for an adult to dress like a Hot Topic teenager

Anonymous 20850

Such augmentations provide no substantial benefit in battle.

Anonymous 20854


Anonymous 20867

I got masseter botox and people say it fucked up my face so it made me self conscious. Still waiting for it to wear off and the muscles to come back. Its definitely easy to get sucked into the botching pipeline but a few aesthetic tweaks here and there can definitely help improve self confidence, at least for me. You just have to avoid getting sucked down the rabbithole and becoming a botched bimbo with fish lips lol.
Tattoos I am not into as it feels trashy personally but to each their own.

Anonymous 20885

This is the way.

Anonymous 20891

Almost every woman looks better without them, and even if they didn’t it still wouldn’t be worth it. Save your money and use it for something more useful.

Anonymous 20907


I hate flipant Plastic surgury and I think it preys on peoples insecurities. Tattoos and piercings if done well but i will never understand the girls that just want a bunch of cute doodles with no theme or the really trashy stuff everyone gets. Remember barbwire/"tribal" tattoos on men? Yuck.
Fake nails are fine I just can't eat finger foods or they get gross and long nails breaking FUCKING HURTS and I don't know how to make them strong again.
Bleaching/dying is whateve, but I am not into frying my soft hair and having it break so I keep it dark.
Says you, I started working out last year and I am hotter than ever
I am definately aiming for femme fatele. Even the girls like the look.
Exactly, don't over do it. But if it makes you happy go for it. Some women want to be bimbo'd. I just want to look mildly slutty not like an easy chair.

Anonymous 20915

>Fake nails are fine

only reason fake nails were invented is because the real nails of some superficial hoes became so gnarled and disgusting looking that they became ashamed of them and it awakened their instinctive desire to be pretend to be better then they are.

healthy women running around with fake nails is like men with hair running around with wigs.

whenever i see complicated nails i always suspect a fool who sits on the couch waiting for life to happen to them. like an empty cup waiting to be filled by others: empty inside.

Anonymous 20930

before the kardash…


Anonymous 20964

Was the thirst trap necessary for the post

Anonymous 20967

fillers/injections: people notice them when they're done badly or overaggressively; tastefully in moderation they work well. surgery can be more drastic and realistic than not-surgery, but it's also more risky and expensive
the rest are a bit different since they're generally not intended to be 'realistic'. matter of taste

Anonymous 20968

Screenshot_4 (6).p…

b-but nail art is fun

Anonymous 20969


As Radfem as I wanted to be, unfortunately, I still want to make some modifications, like some fillers, and probably a nose job. The rest of the items on the list seem like basic things to me, especially tattoos and eyelash and nail extensions, which are heavily overused due to exhaustion.

Anonymous 20972

if you do nail art once, the one time you do it it'll be terrible; it takes practice. i just do gel nail art whenever i'm not working and feel like it. i'm addicted to buying cute cheap tiny nail art sparkles and charms off aliexpress. maybe it's vain but it makes me really happy to look at cute art that i've gained mastery over and feel proud showing off

i do think gloves look cool though, just might get weird looks wearing them in the summertime

Anonymous 20977

>Lip fillers
>Cheek injections
Fuck no
>Fake eyelashes
I don't see the point unless yours got burnt off, but whatever
>Fake nails
Nail art can be pretty. I've painted my nails before and used those fake nail press on things. Only issue was that the fake nails felt a bit clunky and dull on my fingers (and the nail glue was on my nails for a while).
>Hair bleaching
I've heard it can fuck up your hair if overdone, so something I'd beware of. That being said I've thought about dyeing my hair a few times, but ultimately I'll probably just use wigs.
Ear piercings are nice, anywhere else is iffy.
I can admire the artistry of some tattoos, but I wouldn't want a permanent full sleeve. Been wanting to get a henna kit so I can make temporary designs on my own though.

Anonymous 20985

>Filler can migrate and usually looks good in migration.
> Breast implants seem extremely invasive and dangerous.
>bleached hair looks good if it’s highlights or if you have light hair but want to go bright blonde
>some falsies look really good but often they’re overdone
>nail art can be really lovely but looks inconvenient sometimes

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