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Anonymous 20943

35 dpo.
i am 42 years old and slowly going crazy and feel completely desperate. Am I pregnant or not? Or are these just evaporation lines?

please need some emotional support

Anonymous 20944

Unfortunately, this does look like an evaporation line. I'm sorry that you are struggling to conceive.

Anonymous 20945

Thank you for your reply. My husband and I have been trying to get pregnant for two years, but so far, nothing has happened. What are my chances of getting pregnant at 42?

Anonymous 20946

I don't know about your chances but my aunty had her first kid at 40/41 and her twin boys at 43. She had IVF treatments for the second round but the first time she and her husband min maxed their nutrition and she drank some traditional herb tea every morning that supports the menstrual cycle. I think it was milk thistle mostly but I can't tell you if it worked, I just know they tracked their nutrition using cronometer and made sure to be maxed out on vitamins and minerals daily (but not too much too) and after a couple of years of trying their miracle happened.
Good luck to you! I really hope you have your wish come true. Also when you do your pregnancy tests, try to take them in the morning cause your pee and thus the pregnancy hormones within it will be concentrated so it's easier for the test to detect it and will be a quicker result. Also I've been told by some women not to go for the extremely sensitive tests because they will detect fertilized eggs that the body is about to reject too if they detect way too sensitively. I know of a mom who put herself through hell cause she watched 2-3 tests go from positive to negative a few days later followed by a painful period and it hurt her more to discover she'd been pregnant for a day as opposed to getting a negative test from the start. Apparently it's likely a lot of old time "random weirdly painful period" were rejected pregnancies but we were unaware of them until we got very sensitive detection tests. But I'm now rambling, I just hope you get your child one day

Anonymous 20947


Anonymous 20950

we don’t need more humans in the world. be happy you’ll be able to keep your freedom

Anonymous 20951

>What are my chances of getting pregnant at 42?

i know someone not particularly healthy who had a healthy baby at 44

we don’t need more humans in the world. be happy you’ll be able to keep your freedom

speak for yourself, that's a nasty thing to say even though i agree with the sentiment. children of old parents are way less fucked up then children of young parents.

Anonymous 20960

It's a nasty thing to say that you'll be more free?

Anonymous 20970

We don't need more people but we still need some amount of babies dummy

Anonymous 21022

How about you don't go into a thread about pregnancy to post your doomer made up propaganda next time?

Anonymous 21382

Also keep in mind those tests have a certain time while they're good for reading.
Mine always said the reading is not valid after it sits for a while.

Anonymous 21393

nona if you're still here, i recommend looking into dr. ray peat's principles. progesterone is really important for implantation and natal health, if you're low progesterone you should start supplementing baby aspirin or just plain progesterone drops. avoid estrogenic things like seed oils. eat lots of fruits, honey, fruit juices, eggs, dairy, and protein. don't stress out, that's the most important thing. good luck

Anonymous 21442

idk my parents had me in their late thirties and I did not turn out well

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