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Anonymous 20973

Anyone else feel like they can't compete with these young, filtered, IG models? It feels like Instagram makes body images worse, especially for young women

Anonymous 20974

I don't really care about em. Ofc I am gonna look different to some women, especially ones online where they can post edited pics if they want to. Besides, I don't really get a lot of women on my ig, just cats and cute little animals. Sorry to hear people struggling with it tho

Anonymous 20983

I stopped using instagram completely and I feel way better about myself and my life. Leave the trap.

Anonymous 20988

this is the way.

Anonymous 20995

I'm not competitive at all

Anonymous 20998

Same but in my case I got locked out of my account because Instagram won’t send me a code to reset my password. It’s forever in purgatory until someone hacks it

Feels good not looking at other people yelling at the top of their lungs for attention and bragging about how good they got it (beautiful, free money, free samples, free items, free vacations for dumb reviews and advertising etc)

The gravy train will eventually stop for them when they age out or if they are too slow to hop on the latest trends. I remember I followed this cottage core account and now that covid is over and cottagecore is no longer appealing, that girl lost so many followers and constantly complained about how the Instagram algo was evil for not showcasing her stuff to audiences anymore.

If you are jealous of Instagram “models” just think about all that effort to look shiny and presentable 24/7 even when doing a get ready for bed with me video, and how much you got to be fake and superficial for free items. And constantly having to live your life online 24/7 and fake filming locations to look cinematic when in reality you’re posing in front of a brick wall outside of an alleyway for a presentable background, annoying real people going about their daily lives while you stand there and pose like a monkey for 1-2 h for a photo shoot in freezing weather kek. God forbid the tiktok dancing, don’t forget that too!

Keep in mind Instagram girls spend a shit ton of money to buy the latest trendy outfits and are usually in a money deficient unless they are the top 1% of content creators. You gotta be in debt for a long while before and IF you become big. It’s more of a gamble and pyramid scheme than anything, really, and ocne that gravy train stops you spiral down the OF route for your creepy moid fan base to pay the bills

Anonymous 21005

Compete for what?

Also they dont look like that irl

Anonymous 21027

Anonymous 21028

>It feels like Instagram makes body images worse, especially for young women
The opposite for me. I used to have cripplingly low self-esteem until I entered a phase of following IG models and listening to kpop. Seeing how hard they all tried to be beautiful made me start pitying them instead of envying them or wanting them. Now I feel superior to them simply because I don't participate in or care about their sick game. You can free yourself too, anon.

Anonymous 21262

Why do you need to compete?
I stopped using Instagram/almost all social media (LinkedIn for work is the exception) years ago, and I've never been happier. I get all my fashion inspiration from older Japamese mooks, and it's refreshing to see less heavily-edited women enjoying fun clothes.
Why would you even want to attention of someone that finds AI-tier instagram models attractive?

Anonymous 21274


Anonymous 21303


You know you don't have to right

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