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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 21008

Anyone with disabilities / health issues here?

Anonymous 21009

I wear glasses

Anonymous 21010

I don't know that I would trust them to wash their hand sufficiently so I probably wouldn't shop the but bless their hearts

Anonymous 21011

People with Down Syndrome can have normal intelligence. It's a misconception that they are all retarded.

Anonymous 21012

I had no idea.

Anonymous 21013

I've never seen a downie with an average IQ but downies in general have a high IQ when it comes to emotional intelligence and subtle social cues. Has anyone else noticed that? I don't know how to put this right, but it seems like they're good at picking up on complex emotional bids that average adults don't pick up on.

Anonymous 21014

I never actually considered this before but looking back on the downies I’ve interacted with, you’re right. They struggle intellectually, but they’re often the first to pick up on someone being upset and quick to try and cheer that person up.

Anonymous 21021

>in general have a high IQ when it comes to emotional intelligence and subtle social cues
Not really. They might be less inhibited in that area but that doesn't make it "high IQ." It just shines more because everything else is poop.

Anonymous 21046

I remember this girl. I don’t remember how she got enough money to start out though? Can anyone tell me. I think I saw her on TLC she is a really hard worker a bit too passionate but hey it got her where she needed to be.

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