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inducing vomiting? Anonymous 21035

any tips on how to induce vomiting well? I’m trying my best to throw up my dinner, but I can’t manage get much food up at a time. idk, maybe my idea of vomiting is just screwed from TV, but I feel like a should be able to get more food up at once. I’ve gotten a bit out of, but not as much as I’d like to. it’s kind of coming out a little bit at a time, over a long period. how do I get this to happen faster ^^

Anonymous 21036


you shouldn't be doing that, Nona

see a therapist, talk to your doctor

Anonymous 21050

If you are fat, just fucking exercise and eat better. Getting an ED will just fuck with your head and make you gain the weight back instantly as soon as you touch a calorie because it teaches your body you are not to be trusted. If you actually have a normal BMI and just want to be a skelly, please go to a therapist. Trying to look like a Lich isn’t going to solve your body image issues.

Anonymous 21051

Inducing vomiting will break down your teeth enamel then you will be fat with rotten teeth too. Heal your relationship with food.

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