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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 21047

any advice 4 growing hair out?? ive been trying to grow out dis shitty mullet for a year now and it wonttt happen. long hair nonas plz drop products supplements routines anything >_>

Anonymous 21048

Time and patience

Anonymous 21049

Biggest thing is diet, sleep and taking care of your scalp. Try to figure out if your scalp has any issues that need to be addressed. After all it is where the hair comes from.

Besides that, the quality of your hair can also affect its growth speed in the fact that damaged hair will break and disintegrate at the ends, making it seem like your hair isn’t growing. For that, look at mitigating things that can damage your hair like bleach and excessive heat styling. You should also incorporate things like hair masks, leave in conditioner and hair oils into your routine. Look these things up to see how they actually help your hair, and try to find products that suit your hair.

Also, IF your hair is damaged, you should get the damaged parts cut off. Otherwise split ends can just travel up the hair shaft.

That’s all, good luck my friend. Previous is right as well. Hair typically take years to grow out.

Anonymous 21053

what issues should i b looking for? dandruff? is thr anything else

Anonymous 21054

invest in silk pillowcases to reduce breakage

Anonymous 21056

Dandruff is included but more so controlling oil and hydration levels. For example, if you have a dry scalp you might need to use gentle shampoos and exfoliate the dead skin cells every so often. Just go down the Haircare rabbit hole and experiment.

Anonymous 21058

before you shampoo, add hair growth oil and a mask on your scalp for an hour.

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