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Anonymous 21047

any advice 4 growing hair out?? ive been trying to grow out dis shitty mullet for a year now and it wonttt happen. long hair nonas plz drop products supplements routines anything >_>

Anonymous 21048

Time and patience

Anonymous 21049

Biggest thing is diet, sleep and taking care of your scalp. Try to figure out if your scalp has any issues that need to be addressed. After all it is where the hair comes from.

Besides that, the quality of your hair can also affect its growth speed in the fact that damaged hair will break and disintegrate at the ends, making it seem like your hair isn’t growing. For that, look at mitigating things that can damage your hair like bleach and excessive heat styling. You should also incorporate things like hair masks, leave in conditioner and hair oils into your routine. Look these things up to see how they actually help your hair, and try to find products that suit your hair.

Also, IF your hair is damaged, you should get the damaged parts cut off. Otherwise split ends can just travel up the hair shaft.

That’s all, good luck my friend. Previous is right as well. Hair typically take years to grow out.

Anonymous 21053

what issues should i b looking for? dandruff? is thr anything else

Anonymous 21054

invest in silk pillowcases to reduce breakage

Anonymous 21056

Dandruff is included but more so controlling oil and hydration levels. For example, if you have a dry scalp you might need to use gentle shampoos and exfoliate the dead skin cells every so often. Just go down the Haircare rabbit hole and experiment.

Anonymous 21058

before you shampoo, add hair growth oil and a mask on your scalp for an hour.

Anonymous 21296

i've been growing mine out too. others mentioned silk pillowcases you can also get a silk bonnet to sleep in at night. make sure you drink enough water throughout the day. i take hair skin and nails supplements (it's basically just like a biotin and collagen multivitamin) but it might just be placebo lol.

i only wash my hair 3 times a week and use a scalp oil and leave in conditioner. dont be afraid to use products with silicone or glycerin in them. some of the "natural ingredient" hair products i've tried just dry my hair out, especially in the winter months.

careful with heat styling, i only dry my hair with a diffuser on low heat once it's about 50% air dried and still use a heat protector spray.

i have thick straight asian hair so ymmv depending on your hairs texture.

Anonymous 21298

NTA but I also have straight thick asian hair. What products do you use? Interested in your hair routine.

I use lush natural shampoo and conditioner bars, have leave in conditioner, and Argan hair oil for my ends. I take an hour every weekend to cut my split ends (not a general trim but literally find individual split ends and snip them). I’ve been thinking about getting that Conair exfoliating scalp wet brush to scrape away any dandruff or buildup on my scalp in the shower, but I’m afraid it’ll damage my hair because it’s easiest damaged when wet. I got an oily scalp and sometimes when I wash my hair on high temperature setting, I get dandruff for a day or two. So I was thinking of getting the conair brush to mitigate that.

I wear my hair in Dutch braids or fishtail braids. Fishtail isn’t as protective. When you unwind the hair strands, they get stuck together and you peel them away from each other. I imagine split ends get splittier this way so I stopped doing it. My hair is waist length right now and am waiting for it to grow to hip length.

Anonymous 21310


wow your hair is much longer than mine! mine is about halfway down my back.

my shampoo and conditioner i don't use anything fancy: head & shoulders "clinical strength dry scalp rescue" for shampoo and the dove damage therapy intensive repair conditioner.
once a week or so i use the dove's "10 in 1 serum mask" with hyaluronic acid.

the head & shoulders pretty much got rid of my dandruff, and i just gently scrub it into my scalp with one of those silicone scalp brushes when i wash. i don't notice any real breakage when i do this.

as for leave in products i use a generic dupe of the aveda "scalp revitalizer", it's a 10 "miracle leave in", and then garnier fructis "sleek & shine anti-frizz serum"

if i decide to heat style (or dry my hair with a hair dryer) i use the beyond the zone "turn up the heat protection spray" but i try to air dry my hair as much as possible.

i just use silk pillow cases and tie my hair in a low and loose ponytail at night. i'm growing out a super layered wolf cut so there are too many irregular sized pieces to properly braid it.

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