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How to feel beautiful when you are a 5’11 GIANT. Anonymous 21188

Or how do I reconcile with this fact because I’m in my 20s and shouldn’t feel like I’m still perusing the hallways of high school.

I always feel so damn goofy around other women (and sometimes men but my insecurities are usually when I’m with or surrounded by other women).

I have a weird relationship with my self esteem where I can believe that I’m attractive— decent, at worse. Then it’s immediately swallowed the next time I walk by any woman who is shorter than me— which is all of them.

I get so self-conscious and hate being in groups that are heavily female because I feel as if I scare them, somehow. My self-esteem and insecurities worsen around them , too.

And it’s not in a jealous way, I don’t think. They can’t help that they are the way they are. I don’t hate them for it. But I really don’t want them to think less of me—especially since I think my insecurities inadvertently show itself more and I don’t want them to pity me, either.

I don’t know 💔💔💔

Anonymous 21216

Make sure you’re dressing for your height and body type. Well-dressed, really tall women are striking. Have you looked into tall women models/actresses and their fashion? Gwendoline Christie comes to mind, she’s 6’3”.

It’s normal to feel insecure when you get a lot of attention for something you can’t control, but don’t try and hunch your shoulders or hide yourself. Good posture and confidence on a really tall woman is so important.

Anonymous 21218


Thank you so much for your comment!!

I have recently started to practice maintaining good posture. Normally, I do stand and walk as straight as I can but I think that sometimes I do subconsciously sink into myself in certain situations. Or maybe it’s in my head.

And it is really good advice to start looking and even taking inspiration from models and actresses! Now that you’ve mentioned it, I had thoughts about observing what Megan Thee Stallion does (forgive me, not a fan of her music but she is around my height and I’m also half-black so…). It would also be nice to include Taylor Swift, too. She always had this ethereal style that I wondered if I can ever pull it off.

Anonymous 21234

Not much help but I would love to be 5''11 as a 5''6 so I can feel as intimidating as possible, and not a target from other people (Trauma lolz). But also I would love to be that height and maintain my beauty to be perceived as one of those cocaine chic girls ;p

Anonymous 21251

here's a secret nona
nobody really cares about your height

it's just like short guys complaining about being 5'8. nobody really cares. accept it and own it, it's who you are

also, if people ever make fun of your height, remember it's not actually about the height, they are just trying to hurt you

Anonymous 21252

Maybe you can tell your husband to wear stilts?

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