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Adhd thread Anonymous 21189

how does adderall affact you

Anonymous 21190

I have an addiction on nicotine right now - hopefully ill get my diagnosis soon so ill get adderall and itll actually improve my cognitive performance

Anonymous 21191


Stimulants like caffeine and nicotine help me stay focused on one thing for longer (~60-70 mins without a break versus ~20-30 mins without a longer break) so I think adderall and adhd meds would make me more functional but I never tried them cause of all the testimonies about feeling like a meth zombie. Even rl friends have told me as much unprompted. For me taking magnesium helped fix my adhd. For me magnesium oxide and magnesium citrate work to cure it (magnesium oxide's cheaper since you can get it in a powder and mix it with seltzer for 2 weeks of doses. It just tastes like a mix of salty and slightly oceany/seafoody so pills may be better for some of you). Lions mane has worked to cure adhd in my friends but not me, its another option to try. Basically I dont like the idea of being dependent on my prescription and this fixes me 80% of the way where just a cup of coffee or zyn pouch throughout the day keep me functioning fine.

Anonymous 21192

Tried to find the website I learned this from but couldn't. In case anyone wants to try mixing magnesium hydroxide (not oxide like I said previously) heres the process.
You'll need a 1 liter bottle of club soda/carbonated water/seltzer water (I can find it for a dollar at walmart)
You'll also need a bag of magnesium hydroxide (I've had luck with the bulk supplements brand. Spent $15 on a bag a year ago and still using the same one. ~2 year shelf life according to the exp. date)
Measure a teaspoon of magnesium and sit it aside.
Open the seltzer water and put a large funnel inside it. (The one I use is a bit bigger than a coffee cup)
have the cap ready in one hand and the measured magnesium in the other.
slam the spoon in the base of the funnel and then immediately pull the funnel out. Immediately screw the cap back on (you'll have ~5 seconds before it spews everywhere. It needs the carbonation so the magnesium sticks to the water and gets distributed)
once capped shake for 30 seconds. sit in the fridge for an hour. shake again for 30 seconds. You now have ~2 weeks of magnesium. 2-3 swigs a day.

Anonymous 21224

I did this too. Stay away from Adderall though, it has the same effects of meth but less effective . The chemical structure of Adderall is identical to meth but has structural differences that weaken its effect. Meth is an upper, it makes you productive, dopamine = attention/learning,
Increase dopamine = increase attention span. Adderall is marketed as "fixing dopamine deficiency"

Anyway just search up medical journals or ask an AI if you don't believe me.

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