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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 21223

How do you deal with feeling ugly?

No matter how many affirmations, compliments, flattery or "you're beautiful / gorgeous / sexy" will make me feel any differently.

Anonymous 21225

Radical acceptance? I was asked by my husband how I would rate myself on looks. I said 5 and he laughed. It really hurt. I took a lot of selfies and looked at them and realized I don't look as great as I thought I did. I did try to improve my makeup. But I've mostly just accepted I'm not beautiful.

Anonymous 21226

You have to get over the childish need to be seen as beautiful. One way to do this and that has worked for me is taking on the mindset that if you're not meant to be desired and looked at then you're meant to desire and look at others. Once you start seeing yourself as part of the audience or consumers you stop caring about your looks and start wanting everyone else to be beautiful instead so you can enjoy the view. It's really nice.

Anonymous 21227

The insults hurt but you eventually get over it and have to develop a personality, skills, whatever, to substitute for no looks. Men will treat you like shit regardless of if you’re ugly or beautiful, they’re just more upfront about it if you’re ugly

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