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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 21264

last week my bf slept over last night and after cuddling/ heavy petting a bit my alarm went off and i got up to get ready for work. i got naked in front of my dresser to put on work clothes and he actively sighed with desire. ikikikik what youre thinking what tf does this have to do with media?/ EVERYTHING just listen to me tell me story goddamnit. anyways i'm flattered now but at the time i was really embnarrsed/ shocked. i spent like all of my adolesnce thinking i was grossily overweight and super fat. in reality i was like a little overweight then defieniely overweight but now i'm like the healthiest i've ever been BUT i've been wanting to maybe lose a bit more weight, maybe put on some muscle now but i am just so worried about falling down the hole of body checking/ comparsion that is RAMPANT on the internet. i feel like i have no where to go. esp with all this ozempic and ariana grande shit going around . i just wish i could accept my body and want to be better without LOSING MY FUCKING MIND. even my mom, my friends everyone is always shitting on their bodies its so hard to not fall back into it.i just wish the fucking "body positivity" movement had actually done something in media rather than just creating shame for wanting to be thinner


© 2018, Kirsten Rothbart)

Anonymous 21267

Why do you care when moids are usually ugly as all hell? I do not understand your logic. Moids usually look like ballsacks. I would rather be kind of overweight and keep my pride than do anything for their gaze, since they don't return the effort. Maybe like 2% are attractive, but I'm tired of people trying to suppress the fact and becoming hostile to it. No amount of money will make me attracted to someone who looks like a toads ass either. This is not shallow though, this is setting yourself up for a reciprocal relationship. Stop lying to yourself/ putting in extra work they don't actually deserve. That's really all you have to do. Is your bf as attractive as you? This is all that matters, a reciprocal attraction. Otherwise they are just manipulating you and low key bullying you into accepting scraps, while they get to walk away with all the pride and confidence etc. (You know they will trash women who don't look how they want, while they look nasty)

The result is how you're living now. How you're living in your head now is a form of male oppression. You're entire mind is becoming a trash heap on the floor. You lose so much when you're mind is reverted to a garbage heap. You have to acknoweledge what you actually want, and ask yourself do you want to be that way? Is that how you want to live? as a mentally diminished shell of yourself? For their benefit? Its shameful imo.

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