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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 21367

What is your makeupspo for this year and or season ^^? I'm going for more eye focused looks.

Anonymous 21368


Anonymous 21369

seashell inspired …

Anonymous 21394

I'm torn. I want to go for a natural lip look but right now dark lips are trending where I live and stores aren't stocking much. I also like big pouty looks but I've gotten comments that I over do it.

Anonymous 21395

Pouty looks are so cute but I don't have much in that dept so I stick to simpler forms. I think overdoing only counts if the look is not fit for the occassion otherwise have fun!

Anonymous 21413

Youthful pink glossy lips! Still no good inspo for eyes, I just do generic shimmery browns.

Anonymous 21415

Love a good brown eye look w pink lips ugh like choco strawberry

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