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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Mealspos Anonymous 21370

Add yours too.
I wish I was 6ft so that I could eat things like this in one sittig.

Anonymous 21371

>>21370 you can. It is time to heal..

Anonymous 21372

The only thing in this picture that has any notable calories is tgat block that looks like a date bar or something. You can eat this, nona.

Anonymous 21373

Guys what I meant was eating all of this in one sitting kekeke

Anonymous 21374

I'm 5'2 and I can eat this in one sitting.

Anonymous 21375

good 4 you let me get there too

Anonymous 21376

I mean for me personally the cereal doesn't fit the egg and tomatoes.
Else than that it's a pretty alright portion for one sitting

Anonymous 21377

I like the combo its like egg so salty then salad to clean the tounge then something sweet yummy

Anonymous 21378


Might try tomorrow, those are my two fav breakfast foods. Yet I never tried them together. I always thought they added it just for the aesthetic.

Anonymous 21379

Hope its yummy ^^!

Anonymous 21456


Anonymous 21458

Somedays when I'm feeling risky I will have pizza and garlic knots and then eat fruit.

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