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Breakfast ideas Anonymous 21387

Anonymous 21388

breakfast ideas.jp…

Anonymous 21389


Peanut butter & cream cheese sandwich

Anonymous 21390


Anonymous 21391

Add some eggs to that kekeke

Anonymous 21396


Just a cup of coffee. I skip breakfast and feel fine all day.

Anonymous 21397

Have a little toast don't drink coffee empty stomach specially black coffee

Anonymous 21398

Bread with cheese or chocolate whip cream. With black coffee. Today I bought some honey butter syrup I'm excited to try!

Anonymous 21399

Honey Butter Syrup ugghhh sounds so good.

Anonymous 21400

Yeah, I'm really excited. I just remembered I have some fancy rock salt I think I'll sprinkle on top.

Anonymous 21401


Anonymous 21410


Anonymous 21411

Duck eggs >>>

Anonymous 21417

Sorry, I misremembered. It's mediterranean sea salt. I love it!

Anonymous 21418

That sounds …salty …kekeke

Anonymous 21424

Anonymous 21425

I need him…

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