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matcha and coffee.…

Morning wake up drinks Anonymous 21403

Water is absoultely needed. Apart from that coffee, tea, matcha or energy drinks is what I have heard people drink. Personally I find drinking an energy drink in the morning insane but you do you. I like the bitternes of coffee but it makes me very anxious so I stick to matcha. Tea is good too but only in milk.
I don't like the ones overloaded with sugar no matter what it is but I do like how they are presented.

Anonymous 21404

lemon in water. even better if you put it into an ice cold sparkling water..so spicy and invigorating

Anonymous 21405

Orange juice

Anonymous 21406

I love this after lunch

Anonymous 21407


Anonymous 21408

How come when I made a ray peat thread no one knew who he was, but lately is name is all over cc?

Anonymous 21409

He's right now trendy on right wing health twt, health twt, holistic health twt etc etc …I don't completely agree with the coco cola thing but I like his views on fruits and honey

Anonymous 21421

Makes sense as I originally heard about him on /fit/. I guess it takes a while for trends to leak into more mainstream platforms.

Anonymous 21423

Ohhh …yeah agreed

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