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Oral Hygiene Anonymous 21426

What is your oral hygiene routine like? I like to brush my teeth ×2 a day sm it keeps me sane and makes me get the feeling of progress. I wish I could floss thrice a day but my gums hurt. I like to oil pull in the morning and use mouthwash at night. By the way I hate water floss and I will hate it till the day I die. Also going to the dentist is not scary get that filling today!

Anonymous 21427

I wish I was Patrick Bateman he is very motivational to me

Anonymous 21428

I usually just eat two meals a day, breakfast and dinner. I usually don't snack. I usually avoid sugary/junk food. I brush 30 minutes to an hour after eating breakfast/dinner. I floss first and rinse before brushing, not rinsing after. I prefer thicker floss compared to the thin oral b glide shit you find in most stores. I scrape my tongue after with a metallic scraper. Also use an electric toothbrush because they rule.

I am cavity prone so if my routine sounds autistic that's why also I'm probably autistic

Anonymous 21429

I love your routine I just like to rinse afterwards because I cannot tolerate the taste in my mouth. Love tongue scrappers I use a copper one. I want to use an electric toothbrush but after I blew a piece of my gum off using a water floss I don't want to put any machine in my mouth. I'm not cavity prone but I also love sweets so that part is hell for me.

Anonymous 21430

The thing with rinsing is I do it after 20 minutes to let the toothpaste do its thing ( bonding )

Anonymous 21431

I would definitely say give electric brushes a try. The only way you can hurt yourself with them is if you press down on your teeth/gums with a lot of pressure. I use the oral b 1000. It's cheap and you can find it in most stores. The fancy expensive electric brushes just add stuff like smartphone connectivity so they're worthless.

Anonymous 21432

I say this as someone who also dislikes water flossing.

Anonymous 21433

I will look into it^^ …water flossing feels like a scam!!

Anonymous 21434

I only brush once a day in the shower. I know I should do more and floss regularly.

Anonymous 21435

You can do it!

Anonymous 21436


Anonymous 21437

My dental hygienist is such a bitch she gave me horrible hygiene advice and told me to get a water pick and use it on the highest setting. And she forced me to go for a cleaning twice to pay extra money when it could’ve been done once. And she was visibly upset because I scheduled a cleaning last second and they could only fit me in her lunch break probably. She gave me like 2 shitty chapsticks in my goodie bag. My usual dental hygienist on the other hand is so nice and gives actual good advice and overloads my goodie bag. Idk why the other hygienist was so rude to me and intentionally tried to sabotage my teeth AND made me pay extra???

I take very good care of my teeth, I brush 3x with an electric toothbrush and floss 3x a day followed by tongue scraping and mouthwash. I just have stained teeth and she commented how gross they were when really it’s just stained and naturally yellow teeth? It’s not like I have gingivitis or cavities, I just drink a lot of coffee… I also have receding gums from brushing too hard when I was younger so that bitch was trying to make me have no gums and all teeth by telling me to water floss with a water pick. Which BTW cost $100!

I lost like $390 because she forced me to go back. I told her I had no insurance too ugh. Completely unnecessary. Some dental hygienists are just pricks I guess.

Anonymous 21438

She is a hating ass b! Also is brushing x3 and flossing x3 okay as you also have the gum recession thing?

Anonymous 21439

At minimum you should be doing it twice, once in morning and once before you go to bed.
I got the tism and don’t like feeling gunk in my mouth so I brush after every meal. If you don’t care about breath quality and think brushing is too much, make sure u eat cheese at the end of lunch coz apparently that helps the good bacteria in your mouth combat bad bacteria.

Anonymous 21440

I have heard the same thing about xylitol tablets …I dont remember if it was about cavity or bad breath

Anonymous 21443

Those are to help prevent cavities because it helps you generate more saliva to flush out your mouth.

Anonymous 21444

Just say no? I've refused a deep cleaning before.

Anonymous 21445

I did vehemently say no and she refused to clean my entire mouth when I requested one cleaning

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