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Hime cuts: cute haircut or stupid idea? Anonymous 2163

The “short hairstyles” and “haircare routines” threads didn’t really seem like the right place and I didn’t want to hijack.

Hime cuts. Yea or nay? Bonus: What about on white people?

For me, I already have the bangs, so it’s just a question of whether to cut the middle layer in. I wear predominantly fashions that go well with it, and I’d probably keep them long like pic related in order to be able to pull them back as needed. But it seems as though everyone I know is getting this done right now, so I’m conflicted.

Anonymous 2164

I've always had these kinds of bangs since I was 12 and I'm not into J fashion and I'm white. I have a square head with high cheekbones, strongish jaw, and a baby fat face, and I think it's flattering on me even though it kind of accentuates my square head.

Anonymous 2165

Btw, by “hime cut” I’m specifically referring to the chin-or-cheek-length section, not the fringe. Without the middle section they’re just normie bangs.

Anonymous 2187

Yes, always had that section. Originally it was that section and sideswept emoish bangs, then I cut my bangs into a full fringe (still kept the middle section) when I was 15 and it's been that way until now.

I think you should go for it if you're considering it, but if you're not positive you want it, make the middle section not as thick as the OP pic and taper it at the ends slightly so it you don't like it it will grow back in a streamlined fashion.

Anonymous 2190

Thanks anon. I’m pretty positive I want them, just not whether I SHOULD, lol

Anonymous 2192

i have the less dramatic version of this ala hime gyaru. the size pieces aren't flat cut and are much thinner, and shorter too. i have a long face, so the shorter side bits make it look very round. i think the style can look good on anyone who has the right face type.

Anonymous 2193

adding to this, i also think it looks better without the full long, straight hair, because that looks bad on most people (asians included)

Anonymous 2196

Oh, lol, I'm >>2164 and >>2187 and I have very long, thick, straight hair and i like how all the bangs look with a side ponytail, braids, really ponytails of any type, and even just as it is straight down.

Why do you think it looks bad with straight, long hair?

Anonymous 2209

I think it's a beautiful haircut, but I do confess it looks better on Asians imo. I did have it for a while when I was a teenager and i loved it (I'm white)

Anonymous 2222

I feel like having it with your hair long and straight, and down (not necessarily if it's put up) just makes your hair look really thin, since the bangs are so thick. It works in the OP pic because it's balanced out.

Anonymous 2288

With any haircut it will depend on your hair type, body, and face shape. big girls should have a balance of wide, full hair, deep full bangs wont look so good on thin fine hair, and very curly hair shouldn't be straightened so often, a chubby baby face will look more moony by the side pieces, a good symmetric bone structure shouldnt be obscured by such an overpowering frame, etc.

it seems more level headed and reasonable to try a wig first. if it fits you and you're sure you want to commit to the style, go for it.

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