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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Beauty Failures Anonymous 3308

I just cut a hole in my eyebrow trying to look like Lauren Bacall. How's your Thursday going?

Anonymous 3310


went to the hairdresser to trim bangs and the stylist decided to get creative. i look like a freaking unamused poodle.

Anonymous 3311

>lauren bacall
oh I remember her from various bogie films. She was a top of the line actress. It is good to see young people have not forgotten her and draw inspiration from her.

>just fuck my shit up

Anonymous 4490


I tried to cut my banges into a fringe , but my bangs kept sticking up like in dbz

Anonymous 8122


Are you me? I try to have Patricia Morrison's eyebrows.

Anonymous 10981

use a flat iron bro

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