
What did you eat today? Anonymous 3476
Share your daily food intake and whether you're trying to lose/maintain/gain weight or just indulge in whatever you want (plus maybe add your weight and height)
Anonymous 3481
Diet's been irregular due to several things going on in my life, but this is what I usually eat.
2 pieces multigrain toast with peanut butter. (approx. 300 kcal)
half of a honeycrisp apple. (approx. 150 kcal)
some rice, chicken or beef, and spinach. (approx. 450 kcal)
chips and salsa (~150 kcal) or Greek yogurt and two clementines (80 + 50 + 50 = 180 kcal) depending on the nature of my cravings.
I also take a multivitamin (on some days, because they can make me nauseous). Been trying to incorporate more protein into my diet.
I'm 5'2" and currently weigh 100 because I haven't been keeping up with my usual diet. Trying to get back down to at least 95.
Anonymous 3484
it could be useful to young miners~
Anonymous 3486
i went to an outdoor festival today and had some butterfly fries, macaroni and cheese, and some fried dough. probably five million calories. oh well, i wanted to have fun. roast me, miners.
>5'2, fluctuate between 118-125. wish i was 100 lbs but i love food too much so im chubby
Anonymous 3490
>>3478>>3484>>3485Why are you so god damn dense?!
>(plus maybe add your weight and height)You should add your height, since there's obviously a difference between the caloric needs of a girl who's 5 ft and one who's 5'10 - not add
to your height.
You won't grow taller no matter what you eat, but judging by you still believing bullshit like this and your reading comprehension, you might just fuck off since you're probably still underage anyways.
Anonymous 3491
>>3490Since this is a food thread, I suggest you take a chill-pill before food. Maybe one after food too just to be sure.
Anonymous 3492
5'4'', 95.5 lbs, 300 calories on assorted candy (it's my birthday and people are getting me candy, why). I'm planning on having a more substantial meal later today.
Anonymous 3495
>>3492Basically had 800 calories from drinking last night, kill me (plus 200-300 extra calories from candy, I want to add).
Anonymous 3497

Careful not to make this thread annachanny or it will probably be deleted
My whole day today:
1350 calories
1 banana
1 tangerine
Some pineapple
Lots of chicken
Lots of salad
2 teaspoons of rice
2 cups of popcorn
1 cup of milk
Anonymous 3502
Instant ramen
Almond milk
Anonymous 3503
>>34953 pancakes (guesstimating them to be 300 calories in total) and 1 brownie (85 calories) so far.
I'm still working on my birthday cake. One slice is 400 calories and I plan on having a piece today. Hopefully, that'll be it.
I hate sweets at this point. People know I like them, but to be honest, I'd rather have none so I can drink instead.
Anonymous 3505
Are you underweight by any chance? I am and I have this issue, too. Taking iron supplements is good, but they may cause constipation which can already be annoying if you don't eat a ton. Cooked spinach and kale is easy to make and has lots of iron in it. Propel is a zero calorie drink which comes in a mix form as well and has lots of electrolytes and sodium in it, and I find it makes me feel less hypoglycemic. I hope some of these recommendations help!
Anonymous 3513
meal 1- a slice of turkish bread with sliced tomato, half an avocado, a poached egg, feta, and a bit of pesto.
meal 2- tuna sushi roll and salmon sushi roll, both with avocado.
not really a good day for me… both meals are high in sodium and i hardly ate any veggies today.
i took a spirulina supplement and will probably eat a carrot or something before bed
i am 5'9 and like 125 lbs, i dont weigh myself that much
Anonymous 3527
You need to eat more carbs
Anonymous 3535

>3 pieces of kfc chicken
>3 kfc boneless chicken fillets
>8 kfc hot wings
I'm 6 foot and 135lb. I'm neither actively trying to gain or lose weight, I just eat what I want
Anonymous 3538
>roasted chicken
>Buttery toast
Anonymous 3539
I wanna stop being a fat fuck but it's so hard. I love having Korean instant noodles in the morning and there's this killer Chinese dumpling place near my house..
Anonymous 3554
breakfast: vector, OJ
lunch: leftover bbq chicken, carrots w/hummus, apple, cheese
snack: some doritos
dinner: mom made homemade fish and chips and they were delish
dessert: some chocolate
recently read intuitive eating so I don't weigh myself anymore, just focusing on not emotional overeating or eating to the point where i feel gross. 5'4", if i had to guess, like, 160? I'm just trying to do what feels good.
Anonymous 3556
>>3554can you tell me more about intuitive eating? been trying to get into it but it's not working…
Anonymous 3557
>7 chicken nuggets
>beef n bacon burger
>packet of oreos
>2 pumpkin and chive soup packets with 2 pieces of bread
>3 chicken tendies
>lots of vodka
>tasty sticks
ahhhhaaaa help me please
Anonymous 3558
Is there anybody who isn't dieting/eating extremely little…?
Nothing (was nervous because of some shit and therefore couldn't eat)
Popcorn and diet coke
Kebab and lemonade
Ice cream
More popcorn and a coke
2 sandwiches
Some mint chocolate
Salted peanuts
Anonymous 3559
I eat the same thing everyday, give or take. My main goal is to increase protein intake and eat less sugar. Calories are irrelevant to my goals.
Solid food:
>Two bananas
>Two pieces of grilled chicken
>Two fish sticks
>Three homemade quinoa veggie burgers with an extra patty on the side.
>water (ofc)
>three skim lattes (free at work bc night shift. I love coffee, plus protein from the milk is good for my goal!)
>two small cartons of milk
>glass of milk at home
~180 g of protein, which is great. Trying to lose 2 inches off my waist and am weight training 3 times a week.
>inb4 fatty-chan
Anonymous 3560
>>3558You mean, you feel as if you are eating a lot in comparison to other anons or little in comparison to other anons? I listed a few of my days and someone complained about it being ana-channy.
Anyway, since it's 4amish my time, I'll list what I ate yesterday:
1/2 cup of Rocky Road ice cream (NOT worth it, I can't believe I waited two days for that monstrosity; 170 calories)
2 gluten-free "protein" (kek) brownie muffins (280 calories)
3 cups of BBQ popcorn (200 calories)
1.5 cups of vegetable soup (200 calories)
1 large mug of regular black coffee
1 cup of decaf black coffee
Water (ofc)
Total calories: approximately 850 calories, maybe 860ish taking into account the coffee and multivitamins I take?
Anonymous 3561
>>3560I probably eat around 3000 kcal every day, so yeah, definitely a lot more than all of you.
Anonymous 3562
>>3558>>3561If you're the same person, that doesn't sound like it adds up to 3000 calories, unless it is huge amounts of everything.
Anonymous 3565
got my wisdom teeth out today so I'm happy to be surviving on a diet of maybe three greek yogurts a day. so ready to lose all this weight
Anonymous 3588
>>3556basically it's about letting go of the need to lose weight or be thin and focusing on eating what you want. If you google it there's tons of resources; I read the book "Intuitive Eating" after checking it out from the library and it was really helpful (unfortunately I didn't get to finish it; been debating buying it for a while). It's completely anti-diet, the idea is that you eat what you are hungry for (or the best alternative if that isn't available) and that sometimes that's a giant chocolate milkshake, sometimes it's a sandwich on whole wheat, sometimes it's a big fucking salad with tons of vegetables. The idea is that if you restrict yourself from what you want it won't stop you wanting it, so you should have some and enjoy it and move on with your life. Eat the damn donut. Drink the damn smoothie. Order the damn burger!
People seem to think it's like "lol what i would just intuitively eat doritos all day nonstop" but it's also about listening to your body and how it responds to food. Does this food make me feel good? Am I listening to my hunger/fullness signals?
At the same time though, it acknowledges that part of normal eating is sometimes choosing to eat something not because you are hungry, but because it is a special occasion or you just want some, that sometimes you will be overstuffed and sometimes you will be a little hungry, and all of that is normal and okay.
The emphasis on exercise too is more like… just move your body in a way you enjoy. That could be walking or intense weightlifting- if you enjoy it, that's what matters!
(Obviously too it doesn't argue against medically prescribed diets like those for something like celiac/PKU/peanut allergies, but I would argue that's well in the realm of "honoring your body's wisdom" anyway).
There's a podcast called How To Love your Body that covers it well if you want more info!!
Anonymous 3589
>>3556okay sorry not to double post, but it's hard for intuitive eating to "not work" imo. If you approach it from an angle of "oh if I eat intuitively I'll lose weight!" which isn't true- you might, and you might not. you might gain or maintain. You have to accept that to really get into it properly.
or if you just feel like you're not doing it right, maybe try looking at your "failures" at intuitive eating as learning opportunities (common advice in the community). like if I binge eat candy one night, I will be like "Okay. why did I do that? What lead me to eat that way? How did it make me feel?" to try and tease out the reason and then try to solve the issue to prevent yourself from being uncomfortable in the future.
Anonymous 3605
>>3604Btw that link is to download it, so I hope you are able to finish it as you wanted anon.
Anonymous 3614
>>3605oh my god you angel!!! tysm!
Anonymous 3759
>>3490It's ok to be bad at english if it's not your first language but don't blame others for your mistake
Anonymous 3760
>>3588Gonna be blunt: that book sounds like absolute garbage. Toss it in the same wastebasket as "everything in moderation" where people make excuses to include junk into their regular diet.
Anonymous 3829
>>3760LMAO you sound exactly like everyone who thinks IE is garbage while knowing nothing about it. Give it a try, maybe do some research. I don't eat junk, just food. But you can have fun restricting and feeling guilty for eating chips/fat/carbs/sugar for the rest of your life if that's really how you want to live. I'd rather just eat and enjoy all foods. Life is too hard not to have cake when you want some cake!
Anonymous 3831
>>3829Please take care of yourself, anon.
Anonymous 3832
Cafe au lait, toast
Chicken, salad
Anonymous 3838
>>3829After a certain point, it becomes second nature to avoid junk food. Right now I don't even feel any desire to eat it because it grosses me out and physically makes me feel ill after I eat it. It's not about guilt.
Not sure why you seem so angry about this. You keep doing IE if it works for you, some people just from personal experience don't believe in it.
Anonymous 3845
Milk, toast. Some peanuts.
Meat, salad.
Orange. Kiwi.
Grilled cheese, juice.
Some peanuts again.
Anonymous 3850
eggs benedict this morning, then nothing else. I just ordered some chicken wings, though. I spent the whole day putting together furniture and it was pretty strenuous so I should be okay.
Anonymous 3903
>>3831I am. That's why I stopped counting calories and started living my life. What makes you think I'm not?
Anonymous 3904
>>3838Not sure where you got angry out of this, but ok. the reply seemed grossly misinformed, and when you get into things like IE you learn fast that it's backed up by a lot of research. Although I guess a little angry bc I don't like being told something I believe in is "garbage." There were better ways to disagree with me.
Anonymous 3907
I'm at the right BMI, but I'm wondering if I should go either keto or low/moderate carb. I feel so drained after meals and I think it's because of processed carbs. Maybe a diet of only meat, fish, vegetables, and fruits is the way to go.
Anonymous 3909
>>3907Don't just be skinny, anon. Tear those fibres and make them stronger. Ketosis is good for cutting, but I'd recommend just keeping your diet clean. Meat, fruit and vegetables sounds nice.
Anonymous 3910
>>3909I definitely want to try lifting once I move in a couple months to an area with gyms that aren't Planet Fatness. One of my goals is being able to carry my boyfriend who is 60 lbs heavier than me. I'm going to do lots of research and write out a good routine for when the time comes!
Anonymous 3911

Bagel with cream cheese and slice of ham for breakfast
FiberOne brownie thing I forgot I had for snack
Gonna eat some yummy sushi with noodles now for dinner didn't eat much today so I'm really looking forward to it!
Anonymous 3914
nom nom.png

>>3476I made an egg in a nest successfully, it was good.
Anonymous 3915
Oh God that's probably the best thing about summer. I miss my plain winter apples though.
Anonymous 3930
I had the day off so I ate a lot today, but since I didn't drink I ended up stopping because I was too full at just about where I should be calorie-wise for the day. And I made good food choices, it was all delicious, and I got some dark chocolate with orange bits in for dessert.
Anonymous 3931
>>3930I forgot to say what I actually had: gyoza and kinpira with some iced coffee for breakfast. Pastrami sandwich for lunch (I usually avoid wheat so this was a nice treat for me), a mid afternoon coffee with cream and milk, and then two salads, mackerel, eggs, and fried tofu for dinner. And two pieces of the dark chocolate for dessert.
Anonymous 3932
Egg and Spinach grilled cheese sandwich for breakfast and some watermelon for a snack.
Thinking of making some bone broth for dinner but addfhhjj this heatwave is killing me
Anonymous 3933

I haven't been eating very much due to really bad anxiety but after about 2 months it's finally calming down. I've been living off about 600 calories a day. Unfortunately the past few days I've been going to the extreme and eating upwards of 2000.
I was super unhealthy for lunch/breakfast today and had chicken nuggets, fries, and buffalo sauce. Had a banana for a snack. Dinner tonight is a white pizza with bacon and an arugula and fruit salad. I had my usual of an excessive amount of unsweet iced tea and I also got a passion fruit aqua fresca from the pizza place.
Anonymous 3936
>>3933Lift some weights, anon! With caloric intake, like that, you can make
ALL KINDS OF GAINS! Anonymous 3937
>>3933Omfg that was me a few weeks ago. I forced myself to fast every other day and eat less than 600 calories per day to end my compulsive eating. I've reigned myself in, at least, a little bit, I hope you are able to reach your goals, whatever they may be, anon.
Anonymous 3941
Oh boy, here we go:
>2 pieces of bread with nutella
>3 potatoes + 2 pieces of fried fish, ice cream
>fanta + 3 chocolate bars
>a piece of bread + potato salad, ice cream
Anonymous 3943
>2 bites of scrambled egg
>coffee with milk and sugar
>coffee with just sugar
>veal schnitzel and some type of tartar sauce
>mashed taters with fried potato skins
>rice and lemon
>ice coffee
>ice coffee
Before you talk shiznik… I had to write a paper in the speedzone, so the coffee was absolutely necessary..
Anonymous 3944

I just had dinner today
>a carrot
>bowl of honey bunches of oats with almond milk
>some pretzels
Anonymous 3947
>Cafe au lait
>Rice and beans
The day isn't over yet
Anonymous 3949
>iced green tea
>2 fruit + nut energy bars
>watermelon juice
>japanese curry + rice
>iced tea
>with potatoes, shishito peppers, & buttered bread
^it's my birthday so my boyfriend made me something special :)
Anonymous 3950
It's almost noon, so I don't know what else I'll have during the day.
Anonymous 3952
I had fish and chips
Anonymous 3953
IF 20/4 so I don't really eat conventional meals.
I ate greek yoghurt with oats, honey and prunes for my first meal, and beef with mushrooms, bell peppers, onions and eggplants for my second meal + 2 hardboiled eggs + a protein shake.
Anonymous 3973
like half of cup of original honey nut cheerios throughout the day
a mug of black peppered rice + a few chicken bits for breakfast
it's noon now and i might eat rice with some lettuce lol
trying to watch my cholesterol levels now
Anonymous 4019
What do you anons with a bmi of under 19 eat?
Anonymous 4040
tell me what's in your shakes
Anonymous 4103
Gluten-free raisin toast
Cream cheese
Steamed chicken breast
Chicken Sausage
I'll probably have another coffee soon. For dinner I like to have mostly protein and veggies. It's Friday, so I'll probably have a drink or two as well.
Anonymous 4108
2 pieces wholegrain toast with cream cheese
4 fish sticks (i love them lol)
one piece of bread (butterzopf, swiss speciality, i could eat it all day)
für dinner i'm gonna fill a bell pepper up with some rice and halloumi and stick it in the oven. excited!
Anonymous 4114
>>4108That sounds really good! I hope it turned out well for you.
I have a hangover today so I didn't make the best food choices…
Fig yogurt
…a whole pack of dark chocolate-covered cherries.
I did some exercise to make myself feel a little more responsible. Now I'm debating having coffee or tea.
Anonymous 4115
Been trying to watch what I've been eating lately but not really trying to diet? I might in the future, but right now I just find it interesting to list what I've eaten today.
A granola bar
Gyro & some potatoes
Had a big lunch so didn't want a big or greasy dinner and ended up making myself an acai bowl topped with bananas and granola. But now I'm kinda craving something salty so I might indulge in some chips and salsa later…
A peanut butter cup, had after lunch.
Anonymous 4132

I need to go back on track with my weight. Gained a good 16kg, and I want to lose at least 6 by the end of the year.
1/3 cup of brown rice with grains and dried bell peppers
8 mini baked eggs with cheese
A handful of kimchi
One pickle
8 uramaki rolls
2 more of the mini baked eggs
>Snacks and desserts
Protein Shake
Sugar free vanilla pudding
>Total of kcal
1.350, 150 above my intended daily goal.
Let's see if I'll have motivation to do a quick workout today.
Anonymous 4133
Oatmeal topped with banana and almond butter
Huge chicken salad and 2 rice cakes
Protein bar
Anonymous 4134
two pieces of toast with lots of butter
4 chicken mcnuggets
10 chicken McNuggets and fries
5’1 97 lb
i hate college i miss home cooked meals reee
Anonymous 4143
Salad with chicken
1/4 of an apple
Bacon and chicken sandwich on white honey bread
Tomato juice
A square of dark chocolate
I think I'll have some chicken thighs, and some sort of vegetable. I want a beer or a cocktail but I feel like I shouldn't for some reason. I have plenty of calories left but idk. I'll decide when I get to the store I guess.
Anonymous 4144
I always eat little but then around 18 o'clock I get really hungry so today I ate:
for breakfast half a cup yoghurt and a peach
for lunch barely any soup and a meat something
And then half an hour ago I ate: seeds, petit beurre cookies, a peach, 2 more meat somethings and mini tomatoes and 2 bonbons. Is this unhealthy or does it not matter how I distribute food throughout the day?
Anonymous 4145

From yesterday:
Rice with peas
A banana
A cup of soy milk
White fish sashimi plate
Cooked okras
Brown rice with dried peppers
>Snacks and desserts
About two spoonfuls of peanut butter
Mini pastel
4 chocolate and peanut butter mini biscuits (cookies?)
>Total of kcal
1.322. Always above…
Anonymous 4150

Today I actually met my kcal goals despite eating the most haha
10 mini breads with cheese
One cup and a half of soy milk
Left over rice brown
Left over cooked okras
Sautéed collard greens
Tuna salad
>Snacks and desserts
Cup of soy milk (I really love soy milk)
2 tbsp of peanut butter with honey
Also drank lychee sparkling water, coffee and tea.
>Total of kcal
1.108 !
Anonymous 4173

My boyfriend stayed for a few days so I lost track. Back on it today
Protein shake
2 cod fried gyoza
4 grilled gyoza
Salmon Temaki
1 mushroom nikuman
>Snacks and desserts
Protein shake made with soy milk and peanut butter
Puffy pastry biscuits
I am contemplating a injeolmi patbingsoo (pic related), but let's see if my tiredness won't get in the way. I've cycled a lot today.
>Total of kcal
Anonymous 4174
medium chai tea latte from Starbucks
Bowl of traditional Korean rice (with added almond flour) with two large eggs and a chopped up green onion. Drizzled with sesame oil and soy sauce, plus lettuce wraps with chili sauce on side.
Two blueberry poptarts
Seven green olives and some sliced marble cheese
I'm an anachan trying to become normal again. It's a work in progress. If anyone would like to share their favourite high-calorie meals that I can make a ton of at once, please do.
Anonymous 4179
>>4174I did better today, but today was a work day.
>breakfast1 blueberry poptart
>lunch1 White bun with roast turkey
1 ginger cookie
Kefir drink
>dinnerLeftover rice mixed with almond flour
1 large egg, drizzled with sesame oil and soy sauce
Bowl of pea soup
>snacks1 banana
2 spicy chicken wings
Grape popsicle
Anonymous 4206

>>4179Been doing alright with food. Started to gain some weight.
>breakfastBowl of shreddies with homogenized milk
Chamomile tea
>lunchTbsp. of potato salad
1 Pack of roasted seaweed
Small serving of roasted, spiced veggies (zucchini, cauliflower, potato)
Rice mixed with shredded chicken and almond flour
Sriracha sauce
Green tea
>dinnerTraditional Korean rice mixed with almond flour
4 chicken breast fillets pan-fried in butter (tsp of olive oil + salt and pepper)
Small bowl of frozen vegetables, boiled
Honey-Vanilla chamomile tea with cinnamon
>snacksReal fruit juice gummy bears
2 peppermint patties
2 popsicles (it's hot today fam)
Anonymous 4209
>>4206that's great that you've gained weight! keep going!
>breakfast2 slices homemeade bread with honey
>lunchfusili with vegetables and pesto calabrese
another slice of homemade bread with gouda cheese
i plan to eat some vegetable soup for diner since my mom's preparing it rn. yum!
Anonymous 4211
>>4209Thank you, anon! I do feel better and I have noticed changes in my hair already, too! Also, your food sounds yummy! Homemade bread and homemade soup sounds amazing.
>>4206>breakfast2 large eggs - scrambled with butter, sour cream and one serving of marble cheese
>lunchLeftover rice and veggies with sriracha sauce and kimchi
1 pack of roasted seaweed
Green tea
>dinnerMixed greens salad with smoked salmon
Vinaigrette dressing
1 bottle of Früli (strawberry beer)
>snacksThree tablespoons of Ben & Jerry's fudge brownie ice cream
Anonymous 4227
>>4206Rice with almond flour? Can you tell me more about it? Is it sweet?
Anonymous 4228
For breakfast I had oatmeal with yoghurt, cinnamon and cherry jam, and a piece of bread, later I had more bread with margarine, an apple and some dried fruit, I have to eat lunch now but since I ate that recently now I'm not hungry… I read somewhere that it's better to eat a lot for breakfast, less for lunch and the least for dinner, and it worked great for me for a few days but now I've started going to physical therapy and now I am just incredibly hungry at 7pm so I eat a lot anyway.
This sucks. I was hoping I could lose some weight with that extra exercise but it's not going to work.
>inb4 just eat something with less calories!!
I don't have any healthy food it's all expensive ;_; and if I eat only vegetables and light food like that I get dizzy because my blood pressure is low
Anonymous 4229
>>4228what do you mean by healthy food is all expensive? honestly, what you ate for breakfast and lunnch seems alright with me.
also that tip is kinda right. you shouldn't eat stuff that makes you feel heavy and full for dinner since you're gonna have a hard time going to sleep like that.
also why don't you eat your veggies with some rice (or better, cauliflower rice, lesser calories if you like the taste)? plain veggies are boring. try to make ratatouile or something, you can warm it up easily and with some protein bread it makes a really good meal!
Anonymous 4230
>>4211>strawberry beerwow, is it good?
>>4229Awesome, I've never heard of cauliflower rice before, I'll have to try that.
I mean, my breakfast is healthy, I've finally found a good healthy filling breakfast but what I have later in the day is not healthy, yesterday evening I ate tons of bread with margarine and jam lol that's just carbs overload. The problem is everything that has carbohydrates ischeap and we always have something in stock at home while we don't have many vegetables and stuff like that (except for tomatoes, there's always some in the garden) so when I am hungry I always eat something that's more unhealthy because it's more readily available.
Now when I write all this I realize I am just whining and I should do something about it instead. lol also do you guys ever eat buckwheat porridge? But not sweet porridge with fruits, savory porridge. I love it, you should try it, and just recently I realized it's really healthy cause buckwheat is a whole grain. (I have a skewed view of what is healthy, to me it's just fruits and vegetables, but I'm trying to change my mindset)
sorry for blogpost.
Anonymous 4233

>>4227Hi anon! Sorry, I didn't check this for a few days.
Almond flour is almonds ground up extra-fine like flour. You can buy it with the skins, or blanched (without skins). It's very tasty! I serve myself a bowl of rice and mix about two tablespoons into it, but you can mix as much as you want. I would say try it by the spoonful until you like the flavour. It is kind of sweet, and I do this to add extra calories and nutrients to my food.
Here is a good article:
https://www.t-nation.com/supplements/tip-supercharge-your-white-riceSome people use it in place of actual flour, but I don't bake much and have never tried that.
>>4230It tastes almost like juice! Früli is a strawberry-infused import and I highly recommend it.
Also, I second the deliciousness of riced cauliflower.
Anonymous 4338
I’m trying to loose 10 pounds.
5’’5 140 pounds.
I keep at 1200 cals a day or less. I have 1, sometimes 2 days of the week that I cheat which isn’t helping me loose weight much but whatever .
Today I didn’t have breakfast (slept until 1)
Lunch :
6 inch subway sandwich: 350 cals
Like 40 Doritos so about 500 cals from that
Can tuna and fried egg: 160 cal
And I had a slim fast meal replacement chocolate shake that doesn’t work but tastes good .
Total for the day was 1200 calories give or take. I didn’t count the exact amount I ate but I assumed 4 servings of the chips.
Anonymous 4353
Trying to lose 20 pounds, started at 110. I'm 5'2".
>breakfast (270 kcal)
1 piece of toast with 1 tbsp peanut butter
1 container of Greek yogurt
>lunch (234 kcal)
1 honeycrisp apple
20 whole roasted almonds
>dinner (350-ish kcal)
>snacks (150 kcal)
chips + salsa
Anonymous 4359

>>4353>wants a bmi of 16 and eats 1000 cals a day Anonymous 4361
Trying to lose weight, goal is to go from 58kg to 50kg. Also cutting carbs to minimum and adding a lot of veggies and seeds
Chia seed porridge with yoghurt 130 kcal
Zucchini noodles, beef bolognese, parmesan cheese 360 kcal
1 Orange 85 kcal
Cobb salad 250 kcal
Anonymous 4375
Yesterday for breakfast I had a coffee and a yogurt drink
And an asian salad with ginger dressing and cashews with a side of a few hot slices of pork loin
No dinner, just drank a lot of water to make it through my night shift, been doing IF, it's hard but I feel like it's working
Anonymous 4385
Update on what I've eaten so far today
Spinach, egg white, feta wrap and a matcha frap from starbucks for breakfast
Can of devilled ham +
1 seasoned roasted chicken breast for lunch
1 tbsp of peanut butter and 1 tbsp of manuka honey as a snack
Not sure if I'm gonna skip dinner or not, was thinking about making pastaless pasta with chicken, zucchini, and alfredo sauce so I can eat the leftovers for lunch tomorrow before work
Sorry for not posting calorie counts, I have them in an app I use I'm just being lazy
Anonymous 4397
>>4211Update: Gained some weight. My BMI is now at 17. My period has returned for the first time in almost a year. Hair now has less shedding and I have noticeable regrowth. Eyes and skin look brighter and healthier.
I'm 5'3" and now weigh 97 pounds. My goal is to get into a healthy BMI, as instructed by my doctor.
>breakfastnothing - slept in
>lunch2 bacon cheeseburgers
>dinnerTurkey breast sandwich with veggies, cheese, and avocado spread
Mashed yams
Maple baked beans
>snacksMedium toffee nut latte from Starbucks
One cup of cola
Cashew clusters + cherry&fig balls
I'm finishing up some crafts for an event this weekend so I admittedly did not pay attention to eating today. I'll try to get in more snacks before I go to sleep tonight.
Anonymous 4399
>>4397Awesome, I'm really happy for you!
Also I tried cauliflower rice as recommended on this thread, it was ok, definitely better than normal cauliflower but also a lot more messy to prepare.
Anonymous 4402
Fuck, anons, can you send me some motivation to eat real healthy food? Yesterday was binge on popcorn and chocolate. Today I should actually eat something real.
Anonymous 4403
>>4402If you have a weakness for cheesy pastas and macaroni, I suggest replacing noodles with cut vegetables of your choice, avoid potatoes, or don't I've been trying to eat as low carb as possible so that helps
Also occasionally replacing a meal with a chocolate protein shake or protein yogurt drink is pretty good
There's coconut milk ice cream which is super good for you
As well as veggie sticks or dehydrated veggies of some sort for when you wanna munch on some snacks is a good alternative
Anonymous 4412
>>4403Eating less carby food today. Actual broccoli and beans. Thanks for the reply. Been too depressed for real food lately.
Anonymous 4433

>>3933I'm this anon and my anxiety has calmed down and my eating habits have gotten back to normal. I've also been trying to cut down on my fast food intake and so far I haven't been craving anything recently!
>BreakfastSoylent Cafe Vanilla
It's really good kek>LunchHalf a bowl of coconut curry soup because the Chinese place at my school has huge servings.
>SnacksCool Mint protein bar
Peruvian burrito
I'm down to my goal weight and now I'm just hoping to maintain and cut out fast food completely!
Anonymous 4434
>>4433That’s so cool anon, I’m super proud and happy for you!! Keep up the great work <33
Anonymous 4443
i have a bad cold and i go back and forth between hungry and nausea
>small bag of cool ranch doritos
>hot and spicy instant ramen
>5 chicken tendies
>small bag of freeze dried apple crisp
>bowl of dry apple jacks
i ate terribly but i hope anons feel better after reading about my day, because no matter what you ate it was better than mine
Anonymous 4445
I ate oat flakes soaked in water with strawberry jam and a cookie. And later I will have a banana which my roommate gave me.
college life. You have to save money where you can
Anonymous 4449
>>4445I am this anon and driven probably by malnutrition for the last few days I just ate a third of my jar of jam, just by itself now I am sick
Anonymous 4454
I will start posting in this thread tomorrow. I've been binge eating. :(
Anonymous 4458
>acai bowl w/ coconut, granola, bananas, & chocolate
barely ate all day so I decided to go big n greasy
im disappointed and feel shitty now tho so a greasy meal was not a good idea
>bbq wings w/ bread
Anonymous 4463
yesterday i ate
-pumpkin oatmeal
-bagel with cream cheese,chopped onion and 2 eggs
ravioli with chopped vegetables in tomato sauce
luna protien bar
small bag of popcorn
idk how many calories
im 122 5'3" could probably stand to lose a few lbs but its hard to stay motivated
Anonymous 4507
for breakfast I had tea and a cookie
for lunch I had tea and a cookie
bet you can't guess what my dinner is gonna be :^)
>>4463mmm pumpkin oatmeal sounds good, how do you make it
Anonymous 4510
>>4507well i sometimes make it from scratch but Quakers has pumpkin oatmeal right now but heres my preferred recipe
https://www.the-girl-who-ate-everything.com/pumpkin-pie-oatmeal Anonymous 4511

>>3476I ate 1000 calories today and feel really guilty about it. I IFd and didn’t eat until 2pm, and yesterday my last meal was a salad at 1pm (I had coffee with almond milk afterwards though)
Today I ate pic related and feel really guilty about it
Anonymous 4514
Am I overestimating how many calories pasta is worth?
So for lunch, I had 2 cups (cooked) of pasta baked w/ cheese and chicken inside. I estimated that to be 800 calories b/c I have no idea about calories. I didn't cook it so I can't check the ingredient calories.
Anyone have ideas about calories in pasta?
Anonymous 4521
>>4511Don't feel bad, even if it has a little more calories than you wanted you didn't eat anything super unhealthy and your body still needs nutrients to live. You can't eat nothing forever
Anonymous 4531
>>3467chill out, anonette. 1000 cals is really not much at all. also, it was stuff like rice and vegetables so don't worry about it.
Anonymous 4571
I ate 1200 kcals of perfectly healthy homemade food, again. Trying to loose some fat because I look like crap despite being (height-118) kg, and my metabolism is shit because of hypothyroidism
Anonymous 4585
Absolutely nothing since there is no water here.
Anonymous 4758
2 slices of bread with margarine
cup of black coffee and cup of tea
2 mcchickens, 2 mcdoubles, 1 large fry
1 liter dr. pepper and 1 Rockstar energy drink
Anonymous 4772
Rice crackers & peanut butter
Homemade mocha (milk, cacao powder, coffee)
A whole roasted sweet potato
Some milk to help vitamin absorption.
Currently eating while I browse.
Some light beers
Frozen okonomiyaki
Homemade chicken & vegetable soup
And probably after this some kind of salad and cheese, maybe. Olives sound good, too.
Anonymous 4787

porridge with 100ml soy milk
black coffee
a kind of ramen made with udon noodles, spring onion, miso, tofu, soy milk and chilli
homemade potato and leek soup
vegan cheese toastie
low calorie soft drink
two squares of dark chocolate
Total: 1,184 calories.
I'm 5'3" and I'm trying to lose weight. I'm glad I stayed within my calorie limit but I didn't have enough veggies or protein so I probably didn't get enough vitamins and I went to bed hungry (this is why calorie counting isn't everything!!!). I'm relying too much on carbs. Today I'm going to try to eat more fruit as snacks during the day, add more protein in the form of beans or soya protein and have less carbs so the diet is sustainable.
Anonymous 4795
>a kind of ramen made with udon noodles, spring onion, miso, tofu, soy milk and chilliUghh that sounds so good. Now I have a miso/conbu dashi base nabe going with onion, bok choy, and chicken thigh. And some alcohol. I started dinner with a cabbage/dashi salad.
Anonymous 4798
>mushroom and tomato soup
>PB toast
>piece of smoked salmon