Anonymous 6660
Denim skirts. Yay or nay?
Anonymous 6661
I'd say it's in the same tier as glitter-UGGs but that's just my opinion
Anonymous 6662
Denim shorts on the other hand are a yay
Anonymous 6664

>>6663I dont have a stereotype associated with it. I myslef don't particularly like denim or skirts so it's like a double negative (same with UGGs and glitter). But again, my opinion.
Anonymous 6665
They look cute but restrictive.
Anonymous 6667
Pretty out of style
Anonymous 6669
They're hard to pull off. you have to be in the right place with the right outfit. Outside of that, if you actually care about being "fashionable" I'd probably avoid it. But then again, if you like them, you probably shouldn't care that much.
Anonymous 6670
>>6667they were still ugly even when they were "in style". denim is garbage.
Anonymous 6671
>>6667>>6668>>6670Damn, I had no idea people had such strong opinions on denim skirts. I always thought they were just cute and casual.
Guess I won't be buying one any time soon.
Anonymous 6672

>>6671Denim skirts at this point are more of a relic from 00s fashion. I do think black denim skirts like pic related are nice though.
Anonymous 6673
I find them cute on the right person. I'm actually into 90's-early 2000's fashion tho. It's too tight on my lower belly/hips so I don't pull them off well.
Anonymous 6677
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They can be cute. I have something like pic attached that works with most of my tops if I don't want to think too much about a casual outfit. What matters most is the fit anyway. Treat it like jeans: high waisted for pear/bottom heavy figures, and ones that start at the waist for straighter types.