
androgyne/tomboy fashion Anonymous 6802
Would anyone be interested in an androgynous fashion thread? Some other (fem)anons and myself tried making a general for this on /fa/ but male anons shitposted it to death before it finally fell off the catalog, and someone in the vent thread suggested I try it here.
I have a bunch of hair and wardrobe inspo to dump but need to know if other people are interested first, heh.
Anonymous 6803
I LOVE the tomboy fashion aesthetic
I have this visceral fear of being mistaken for a man so I can't do it, but it looks so hot.
gotta love being bisexual
Anonymous 6804
I don't have anything to contribute (yet) but I'd be interested, anon.
Anonymous 6814

>>6813Okay this is it for now in case Admin-sama counts this as spamming.
Anonymous 6816

Also if anyone has requests for certain ethnicities, hair colors or lengths I can post them, because I'm sure I do have everything. Just don't want to break the rules by making too many posts in succession.
Anonymous 6830
finally some good food
Anonymous 6892

Do we prefer long or short hair on tomboys?
Anonymous 6894

>>6892I like medium length a bit more, but both can look great. It really depends on the person.
Anonymous 6916

>>6892A good-looking androgynous woman can pull off any hair. I drool over people like her even though I'd say my personal prefs are for long hair.
Anonymous 6956
>>6955Looks like the Jimmy Neutron guy shaved his beard.
Anonymous 6958
>>6957>projectingLet's not do this.
Anonymous 6960
>>6959>still projectingWe're doing this!
Anonymous 6961
>>6960Not even that anon but honestly if you throw out a random insulting opinion no one asked for why are you surprised if someone does the same to you?
Anonymous 6962
>>6960>being so insecure and salty you had to derail a good thread over someone complimenting a hairstyle with these meaningless repliesLose weight and come back to us in 6 months.
Anonymous 6963
>>6961These are pretty low-tier bants for you two to get stuck-up on. Cool off.
>>6962That's still projection. Nobody brought weight into this, except you, so I think you need to calm your heart before you tire yourself out. Deep breaths. >:)
Anonymous 6968

Everybody ignore salt-chan and let's post some more qts.
Anonymous 6969
Please don't let the door hit your ass.
Anonymous 7532

Not as androgynous, more femme, but closer along my personal style, and enough tomboy to make straight men REEEE irl at me.
I miss my curls. I wish I never started straightening my hair.>>6885Afros are so gorgeous, oml. I love her coat too.
>>6892She looks a little like me, spooky.
Anonymous 7622
>>7567Lord, that ain't even fair.