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Could traveling farts cause vaginal discharge? Anonymous 7849

I almost always have this green vagoo discharge. It looks like phlegm, but doesn't smell particularly bad or itch. (I've been to the doctor but never diagnosed because it happened to not be active on those days)
I have good hygiene and wash every day. I've tried dietary changes, using different water, cleaning with wet wipes, using different soaps and intimate washes, but it never goes away for good. But I do get a lot of farts who travel and end up going through my vulva. Could that be causing infections?

Anonymous 7850

This thread smells funny.

Anonymous 7853


What direction do you wipe in? It should be front-to-back.

For years I wiped back-to-front and didn't realise I was smearing poo into my vagina which made it stink.

Anonymous 7854

I don’t think green is a healthy color for discharge. Maybe you’re wiping the wrong way like this anon is saying >>7853

Those types of farts shouldn’t be causing an issue (unless maybe you’re not wiping yourself clean enough after pooping? Sorry to pry, but just throwing some possibilities out there). It’s pretty normal to get farts that travel in front like that.

Don’t use soap or special washes. That messes with your pH level and could actually cause issues like this.

Anonymous 7856

Front to back. I use wet wipes too.

But if I don't use something to wash it smells bad. It's soap designed to clean there and keep your ph right so I don't think it's causing this. I've also used different soaps throughout the years and it's always been the same.

I forgot to mention, I started having sex and it's the only thing that seems to stop it for 1-2 days.

Anonymous 8074

it's obviously because you're washing too much and using soaps and fragrances down there. vaginas are self cleaning. you should wash the folds with water or mild unscented soap/wipe, but never get soap/wetwipe fluid/etc near the opening
the healthy bacteria have been killed and the bad bacteria are proliferating in your vagina. the foul smelling discharge is your body trying to fight against the bad bacteria, or the bad bacteria growing in there…

Anonymous 19097

male spotted

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