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eyebrow fit Anonymous 8666

Hey there, what style of eyebrow should I head for? I have a textbook definition of a heart shape face yet I have prominent fierce eyes. My eyebrows don't help soften my look. I keep them in clean shape, just waxed out dead space hairs every 2 weeks. Does not drastically change my shape doing that.

I've had an arch thin eyebrow before and I didnt like it. I think it was too dramatic for my face. That was years ago so maybe Im open to the idea again. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

Anonymous 8692


Anonymous 8796

Eyebrow styles are a fad and I would not go after some specific shape to "fit" your face. For example, in the chart anon posted just above, the high arch examples already look stodgy and out of fashion to me.

Keeping them neat like you do is the most important thing, but after that is keeping them (reasonably) even. For you, OP, I would pluck above the brows where they are higher towards the outside of your face, and try to get the top line smoother. I think that alone would make your face a lot softer.

Anonymous 8842

Please don't try and "shape" your eyebrows. Well defined eyebrows look best so maintain them so they're neatish

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