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Wigs Anonymous 926

Do you wear wigs?
What are your favorite tricks to make them look natural?
Lacefront or bangs?
Post cute wigs!

Anonymous 927


Dumping some Monkee wigs, apparently they're pre-order only, but they're so pretty.

Anonymous 928


Anonymous 929


Anonymous 930


Anonymous 931


Anonymous 932


Anonymous 933


Anonymous 934


Anonymous 935


Anonymous 936


Anonymous 937


Anonymous 938

I wear wigs everyday because I have alopecia.
I own a few high quality wigs. They are really worth the price and my health insurance covers most of it once per year. Before I didn't know synthetic wigs could look that realistic. I will also look into using glue so I don't have to take them off every night or for swimming.
For everyday I prefer bangs because it's easier to style and you don't need to deal with making the hairline less visible.

I do wear cheap synthetic wigs for fashion sometimes. I used to buy from Lockshop but I had a bad experience with them so I'm trying to find a new go-to shop for cheap wigs.
The wigs you posted look very cute. But how do they style the parting so 'fluffy' like >>935 ?

Anonymous 939

What was your problem with Lockshop?

Anonymous 940

Anons who wear wigs, do people give you weird looks because of it? Do you wear natural or unnatural colored ones? Both? Does it make a difference?

Also wondering about the styling.

Wig styling tips? I'll make a trip to /cgl/ later to see what I can find and post here.

Anonymous 941


Bangs instantly make a wig more natural looking imo. Most of the lace fronts I've had I just turn into bang wigs.

Make sure you deshine your wigs using dry shampoo or baby powder, and washing wigs you wear often.

Same way you style natural hair anon, hairspray and teasing.

Anonymous 942


Anonymous 943


Anonymous 944

They didn't send out my products and didn't answer my mails. Luckily I got my money back with a paypal case.

People here don't notice high quality wigs most of the time. I don't own any of these in unnatural colors though so I don't know about that.
Lower quality wigs in a natural hair color and reasonable length usually aren't noticed that often. However I got weird looks and asked if my hair was real by some people when I was wearing unnatural colored or over 50cm long wigs. But I guess that happens with uncommon hair colors/ lengths anyway.

Anonymous 945


Lockshop's new wigs look tempting, should I try?

Anonymous 946

Only the first one seems to be worth it

Anonymous 947

These are fab, I can't find them anywhere google is failing me, can someone link them?

Anonymous 948

I wish I could find the extensions for this. My hime wigs always seem lacking.

Anonymous 949

Anonymous 950


I want to replicate this look so bad

Anonymous 2130


Anonymous 2131


Anonymous 2132

Anonymous 2133


Anonymous 2152

You want to look like a 30 year old who slipped into her daughter's play makeup?

Anonymous 2358

these look like taobao wigs I've seen. I think this "mycosplayer" site is a reseller. They might even resell the wigs for a higher price

Anonymous 2359

Skärmavbild 2017-1…

Dream Holic has the most beautiful wigs I've ever seen. (there's a sale on there rn too!) I love how the bangs are kinda thinned out, makes it look more natural.


Anonymous 2361

>Swedish filename
>Link to Swedish store

You better not be selfpostin'

Anonymous 2368

Haha no I'm not, I just happen to be swedish, sorry. This store is actually pretty well known in the lolita community so I just felt like recommending it. I believe they even have taobao store

Anonymous 2559

Hello Anon.

So I've been thinking about making my own lace front. Pretty happy with my hair, but I want to change my hairline from a widows peak to a straight hairline and I haven't really seen anything that's just a front piece.

From what I understand with lace fronts, you tend to either glue or use really strong gel to get them to stick and not fall out. Would this be possible to do with just a lace front or do I have to make the rest of the wig because the lace front on it's own can't possibly stick to my forehead?

Thanks all.

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