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Nose piercings. Anonymous 9290

Who started this trend?
Why does everyone have them?
And how the heck does ANYONE think this looks good?

Anonymous 9291


Anonymous 9298

How does she pick her boogers

Anonymous 9309

men in my area have them a lot (like 60% of women have it but still maybe 20% of men). it's just a neon sign, "hello i am walking garbage. i am trash. i would suck a penis for a slice of pizza. i've picked cig butts off the ground and smoked them."

Anonymous 9335

not to be rude but yall sound like pick me girls

Anonymous 9336

I don't think you understand what a pickmeisha is.

Anonymous 9359


a 9 volt a day keeps the nose rings away

Anonymous 9508

For when you want to social signal that you’re a bad bitch and your nipple piercing isn’t visible

Anonymous 9522


Why are you so obsessed with what looks good and what doesn't? I've never had a piercing before, but holy shit let the girls live their fucking life the way they wanna live it.
Like sure it looks like trashy but saying shit like "it's a sign that she'd suck cock for a slice of pizza" is very sad.
You girls need some class. I respect girls with piercings way more than any of you, being so narrowminded of other women's fashion choices.

Anonymous 9523

Snake bites are cooler than septum piercings.

Anonymous 9524

I don't like either, but still, my point stands.

Anonymous 9531

Honestly my issue with piercings like this is that 9 times out of 10 women thing it’s a personality trait or makes them unique. Like alt/goth in 2020. Please do it because you like it and not because you want to look different because honestly everyone looks the same to me at this point and I’m BORED and uninspired.

Anonymous 9532

Don't worry, the feeling is mutual.

Anonymous 20259

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're refering to as nose piercing, is in fact, a septum piercing, or as I've recently taken to calling it, Cowlina/Bulldyke piercing.

Copypasta aside, 2014 was the first and last time I saw a girl who looked cute with a septum piercing.

What about double nostril piercings… Why?? I have 1 nostril piercing myself, I get that. Those always looked feminine/elegant to me, tho mostly trendy with muslim ladies here. Made me also magically stop being insecure about my nose after I pierced it.

Dudes with nostril piercings tho: you look like a girl stop

My little sister recently got the moo ring in her septum. Confirm we both have daddy/mommy issues. Septum rings are just a redflag to that.

Also, is it just me, or is 2010s-2020s tacky with piercing trends vs. 2000s had taste? Lip, bellybutton, tongue, single brow piercing. All to this day look good to me. I hate the trend here where girls get 437028 ear piercings now, looks excessive. I myself have 2 per lobe, at most I'd get 3rds if my anatomy allows it.

Anonymous 20303

>Lip, bellybutton, tongue, single brow piercing. All to this day look good to me.
these look way worse than a few studs up someone's ear lmao bellybutton and tongue rings are the trashiest of trash piercings

Anonymous 20328

Once I was watching HGTV with my mom while I was visiting her and there was girl on House Hunters and my mom saw her nose ring and said it looked like a booger, which is true. I hate all piercings other than earrings.

Anonymous 20329

honestly the only piercing i judge on women is nipple/clit piercings. those scream cum dumpster/mental illness. and im happy i wont get to see most of those anyways (besides those really trashy women who have nipple piercings and intentionally go out braless to show them off, like blweh)

everything else i cant be bothered to care tbvh

Anonymous 20330

Same. I can't stand clit piercings, that's just disgusting.

Anonymous 20345

I find them repulsive, it's something almost instinctual

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