
Anonymous 9394
how to make my breasts bigger? Have you tried anything? Has anything really worked?
Anonymous 9395
>>9394You have three options OP.
1. get fat
2. get pregnart
3. let some cheap surgeon give you frankentitties
Anonymous 9396
Does the message technique work at all? It says you can increase your bust by half a cup size, which is not a lot, but I'm curious if its just snake oil or if I should give it a go.
Anonymous 9397
>>9394You don't need them bigger anymore. If you have small titties just hit on petite guys they are into those. Big titty is for coomers now.
That's also why silicon breasts are not trendy anymore thank god.
>>9396No. But getting preggers does work making them a bit larger I'm not even kidding.
Anonymous 9398
>>9397I'm bisexual and I like big boobs. I want to make mine bigger so I'm more aroused by my own body. I don't really care what it does for boys.
Anonymous 9399
>>9398Patience, if you plan to be a mother someday they will probably get 1 cup larger even after your baby is out. Implants are not worth it they are trashy as fuck imo.
Why not get facial surgery, idk a rhino instead of plastic titties… It's around the same price but way more useful.
Anonymous 9400
>>9399I don't want to get surgery, and I'm not planning on getting knocked up now.
Would getting an abortion make your boobs smaller? I had an abortion and it was super emotional for me, but I just didn't want to have a kid with that guy, and anyways we weren't really dating, but I think my boobs got smaller after then
is there some sort of massage I can do to my breasts to make them better? I can't find any good information on it online but there's lot of hints and things in chinese
Anonymous 9402
Already on the pil :3
Anonymous 9403
>>9400Your baby took your tits to the other side as payment. Anyway I heard eating some kind of special
raw bread dough helps for tettei growth but only for young women.
Anonymous 9404
>>9396You should be doing something similar regularly anyway to check for breast cancer.
So…two birds one stone?
Stay safe, anons.
Anonymous 9406
Been looking for a way for during literally half of my life and aside what
>>9395 said the answer is no.
Anonymous 9407
>drink my bodyweight in milk/dairy products since childhood
>gain tig bitties
thank you, white lactose-digesting genetics. (by "big" i mean large for my frame, not tumor-size.) they are squishy.
Anonymous 9408
>>9395>2. get pregnart not entirely true, sometimes, and notice i say sometimes, it can lead to saggy boobs to some women
Anonymous 9409
>>9407>tfw same>turned out flat even when I used to be 200 lbsNah anon, 'tis genes.
Anonymous 9412
I always find it funny that people asume that I want bigger boobs for someone else.
I just want to look more feminine for myself.
I want to look in the mirror and don't see an ugly short hairy woman.
I would love it so much to be a curvy woman, but I am stuck with this short brick boyish one.
One day I will try pills or creams or whatnot, but not right now. I am still too scared that it will have some site effects.
I don't want surgery and my genetics will never store fat at my boobs. Pregnant or fat. So yeah, live sucks.
Anonymous 9413
>>9412Why do you want to look like a fat midget?
Big boobs don't work on short women, it looks stupid.
Being curvy also doesn't work on short women, you'll just look like a fat midget.
I know cause I am short myself.
You should aim to be a slim as possible. There is no such thing as looking "boyish" when you are short. Your height automatically makes you look fem.
Anonymous 9415
>>9413You must be joking kek. Short + small boobs = boyish because young boys are short and have no chest.
Why do you think guys with girlfriends who have this body type are teased for being "closet homos"?
Anonymous 9417
>>9415Who says that besides jealous virgin moids in 4chan?
Anonymous 9418
>>9415Aesthetically, if you want to look good and be taken seriously don't have short height and big boobs.
Just doesn't look good.
If you want to look like a Sicilian mothers of four, go ahead.
Anonymous 9422

>>9418Nothing wrong at all with having a busty loli bod
Anonymous 9423
>>9413There is a difference between a little bit more curvy than totally straight and being comedically over the top warped curvy. I don't want to look like a loli anime girl big boob fetish.
Just a little bit more like an adult woman. Not like a child.
>There is no such thing as looking "boyish" when you are short.The amount I was called a boy when I was wearing normal clothings and have long hair, says otherwise.
Anonymous 9424
>>9423Just chill what you got is fine. Looking like a child when everybody is a decaying adult there is nothing wrong with that. You are overthinking it while in reality you are in the shoes that many people would like to be in. Instead of rejecting the type of beauty you were born with embrace it, cuteness is just another aesthetic and it works very well.
Tits are overrated and that fad of plastic boobies died in the early 2000s those were dark retarded times for humanity. Small perky boobies can be very attractive.
t. bi
Anonymous 9425
>>9424I can't go cute, that looks bad on me, because of my masculine traits.
In the kibbe style I would be a flamboyant gamine, if that says something to you. (I am not very good with styling so I don't really know much)
So cute styles don't suite me (Or at least the ones I find pretty). I know I look totally normal. I know that. It is just really exhausting if every style you like doesn't suite you because you don't have the traits for it. It is a the grass is always greener thing. I will never like myself and I guess I just needed to whine.
Thank you for trying to cheer me up ano. I appreciate it.
Anonymous 9427
Huge. Honestly wouldn't mind be a G.
Anonymous 9429
>>9394>how to make my breasts bigger? Have you tried anything? Has anything really worked?I got breast implants, as advertised my boobs did get bigger.
Anonymous 9541

The real question is, how do you make them perkier and/or keep them perky?
I've heard sources say bras help them stay perky and other sources say bras actually make them sag quicker.
I've also heard of people icing their tits. Like, literally massaging them with ice and that it helps keep the girls up.
Anonymous 9549
I gained 45 lbs because of quarantine and they're bigger now.
Anonymous 9565
>>9549Congrats on the giant tatas.
Anonymous 9568
>>9541I haven’t read whatever sources you have, and this is a scientific-yet-not-academic citation, but the perky black nips in National Geographic suggests to me that going braless is the way. I read a Cracked.com article years ago positing this, that boobs have a tissue / fibrouslike structure inside which atrophies in the absence of constant gravity leading to sag. The braless women in the south Sahara are constantly running after lions or whatever and it builds the tissue strength. I don’t want to say muscle because that’s not what it is but it basically works like muscle; if you don’t use it you lose it
Anonymous 9593
>>9541For some of us they will barely sag because they're so small, so this is only a secondary question.
Anonymous 9594

>>9549Congratulations but how? Any tips please?
I already don't do sports (couch potato life) and have been eating more milk-based snacks, as well as ready-made meals. But I didn't gain much and feel sad about it.
Anonymous 9601
>>9594Just eat more if you have to, but fat distribution is genetics
Anonymous 9602
>>9594Some people are just like this. Some of us will remain flat no matter how much weight we gain.
The genetic lottery is a bitch.
Anonymous 10351
I've made mine a little bit bigger with more cleavage by working out the chest muscles. you won't end up looking hunky/mannish because the muscle goes under the fat. Try doing chest presses with the heaviest weights you can.
Anonymous 10354
>>10351How much weight are you lifting….
Anonymous 10357
just get pregnant and then get an abortion
Anonymous 10374
>>10354I use 40 lbs. total (2 dumbells that are 20 lbs each). It might not sound like much to some people, but I'm super skinny and that's the highest weight equipment I have at home and it did help me get bigger boobs.>>10354
Anonymous 10392
>>9394Estrogen will do the trick. I used to steal my mother's estradiol treatment for menopause to grow my boobs as a teen. It increases your chances of getting breast/uterine cancer though.
Anonymous 10399
I am going to manually induce lactation without pregnancy for breast growth. I'll report my results in a few months.
Anonymous 10400
>>10393I would apply a pinch in the morning and could feel the difference when checking in the evening which is impressive. I stopped out of fear of fucking up my body. My chest is small now but women in my family are all small chested. I guess I would have been almost flat chested without taking the estrogen. I also think it may have stunted my growth by closing growth plates early.
Anonymous 10504
>>10400Will it work if I'm almost 30 right now?
Anonymous 10506

at the end of the day, what you want is what you want, and some people do legitimately find themselves happier when they gain bigger boobs. But I'm getting rid of mine as soon as I'm fucking able financially; I'm going down to a C at MOST. Having DDD cups is the fucking worst. Rigorous exercise hurts, my back hurts, NO bra truly supports me except maybe if I track down some expensive shit but I don't got that cash, men leer and treat me like a bimbo, I can't breathe properly, my boobs hurt when wearing a bra too long, they hurt when I don't wear one for too long, my back hurts, I can't FUCKING BREATHE, my back hurts. Seriously, fuck that shit. Maybe fake big boobs would actually be easier on you? No idea, but this is hell.
I wish you all luck, but, and I know this is cliche, you can and are able to look just as feminine and beautiful as you are. And you can and are able to be at peace with your body (unless it's fucking physically sabotaging you). Try shit if you like, get surgery if you like, but all boobs are good and the boob-focus is manufactured bullshit. It's like the whole "gentlemen prefer blondes" bullshit- men don't. Statistically, they do not. They don't even know what they prefer, just what society tells them. Fuck the mainstream
t. a dyke
Anonymous 10507
>>9398This. I want huge boobs because they are beautiful, not because I want more moids hitting on me. It's a matter of good taste, not a matter of dating.
Anonymous 10509
I've anyways hated my flat chest because I'm tall and have broad shoulders. My only curves are around my hips. I looked into some of the herbal/plant stuff and the pill but the risk blood clots scares me. Plus idk if the effects would be permanent or not. Anything that would help my fat distribution would be cool though. I always get fat on my arms, face and abdomen. I wonder if I have a hormone problem since I suffer from bad back acne, mild face acne and I used to have a very irregular period.
Anonymous 10510

>>10506DDD doesn't tell me much about your booba size. what is the band size? i myself have 32DDD/F and they're great. are you short or something? i'm 5'7. they don't bother me that much at all, yes bra's are a hassle but only for the part that you can never sleep on my stomach and shirts are Large on top and Small on the bottom doesn't bother me. just buy stretchy shirts. also who cares what the fuck men think, just kill them lol
Anonymous 10511
>>10509that does sound like a hormone problem. maybe get a hormone panel at a doc anon. irregular periods are especially a sign of that. but booba size doesn't have much to do with your environment, it's seriously genetic. don't worry guys do not care that much that you're flat if they love you for who you are (lol)
Anonymous 10512
eheheh heh.png

either aa so i can go shirtless at the beach ( if i ever go that is ) or at least a c cup so i can never be mistaken for a boy again
im an a/b cup
Anonymous 10517
trannies have discovered that taking estrogen orally, through the first-pass mechanism (any way that ends in it getting digested by your liver rather than being direct to bloodstream) metabolizes it to estrone, a form of estrogen prevalent in puberty that helps grow breast buds and forms their shitty cone boobs which are really just the bases of breasts without the 'mature' fat that comes with then transferring to 'adult' type estrodiol. you can cycle estrone and estrodiol (taking estrogen orally for like 6 months or a year then doing any direct-to-bloodstream method like patches or injections) as many times as you like. source: tranny friends.
Anonymous 10521
>>10510>tall with 32F tiddiesAre you a lesbian or at least bi? Anonymous 10522
for me they grew with birth control but i started when i was 18, i take belara. does come with pain though and was only 1 cup (b->c).
>>9396no it does not work. it is genes and hormones and weight. the reason weight gain works is the adipose tissue.
>>9412no offense but you sound abit young, boobs grow as you age and breasts will be replaced by the firm youthful tissue with adipose tissue as you age. you already do store fat in your boobs but a miniscule amount that increases w/ age..
Anonymous 10691
>>10517You sound like a shitty friend lmfao
Anonymous 10692
>>10691sounds like you have shitty friends lmfao