
Post Venus as a Boy Anonymous 18676
2d, 3d, 4d doesn't matter itt
Anonymous 18713

>>18683I’ve never known another actor who can make such cute expressions
Anonymous 18831

I spent years making fun of him and now I flick my bean to him regularly.
Anonymous 19013
>Post Venus as a Boy
Wtf does this mean
Anonymous 19017

>>19013If you have to ask you'll never get to know :(
Anonymous 19132

i hate men and i think they are unattractive but this thread is good because it makes scrotes insecure as they should be. keep posting hot beautiful men that 99% of m*les cant remotely compare to, thus will die alone and ugly. you nonas are doing god's work in giving entitled scrotes a reality check and the suffering they deserve.
Anonymous 19695

>>18676I just learned he existed I'm dying the 20s were great
Anonymous 22752

I wanted to use this as a reaction image but nothing I've posted seems to fit
Anonymous 22762

end of my little spam. i think he was quite handsome
Anonymous 22763

i love rowdy anime boys, if denji wasn't a stupid coomer, he would be so attractive
Anonymous 22984

I want to date a bisexual goth from the 80s that uses makeup.
Anonymous 23120

Japanese men with long hair/beards and dark clothes are my current obsessions.
Anonymous 23163

it's very, very rare for a man to be pretty like a girl. natural femininity has nothing to do with clothes or make-up. you have it or you don't.
Anonymous 23182
>>23163No it isn't. It's actually pretty common they just chose to destroy their look or neglect it. Slimmed down, shaved, longish hair, a TON of men look really beautiful.
Anonymous 23832
>>23805ew wtf are you a scrote from /int/?
Anonymous 23834
>>23805Kek, that's just a disheveled autistic russian boy
Anonymous 23841
>>18922it's been seven months but for the love of god n0na please tell me who this is
Anonymous 23842
>>23805hope he gets conscripted and stops posting like most of the russian and ukrainian men on 4chan have already been
Anonymous 24955

I like to pine for men who don't exist, or who died at least 50 years ago.
Anonymous 24957

>>18676This is a pretty rad one that i found yesterday. I want to draw him all day long.
Anonymous 24958

>>23163Ooh i disagree most me have the potential to be good looking they just avoid it all costs and even bully other beautiful males.
Anonymous 25467
>>25439A slightly squinty looking irish face and muscles is so slutty. Perfection
Anonymous 25511
>>18676Cillisn Murphy talking about his band in 1997.
Anonymous 25596
>>22940I honestly hate this motherfucker so much just bc my ex was obsessed with him and his band