
Misandry Memes Anonymous 19142
I don't have enough in my folder. I'd love to get more. Let's share what we got!
Anonymous 19168

Hate how lots of misandry memes are just straight up facts/statistics, why do we have to live along these apes?
Anonymous 19799

And remember GirLs, AI Narata says…
(Sorry for the low-res).
Anonymous 20136

sorry if this is a repost. One of my faves
Anonymous 23685
>>23684Did you make this? This is awesome
Anonymous 23792
>>19876I think just erasing the letters "fe" would've been a better edit tbh.
Anonymous 24979
>>24976>le divine masculine >tiktokgo back cockette
Anonymous 24994
>>24978moids are so scared of false rape allegations while rape isn't even taken seriously and is underepported as hell
Anonymous 25020

>>24994False rape accusations are just anti-woman propaganda spread by MGTOWs.
Anonymous 25202

>>19168At one point we desperately needed them to go murder people, mostly because of… oh right other moids…
Its a vicious cycle of violence involving economic factors.
Anonymous 26911
>>26910of course they had to caption a hot girl pic
Anonymous 27140
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i was watching this video and i just think this screenshot is really funny
Anonymous 28232
>>25020 Adding on to this, hot take but the "false rape accusations should carry the same legal penalty as raping" bull shit so many of them push as if it's a brave thing to say is also bullshit. Lying is not as bad as raping someone, even lying under oath. Men who act like getting falsely accused is way worse than being raped piss me off to no end. Notice how they don't hold this standard with other crimes like "false murder accusations are just as bad as murdering someone" or "false robbery accusations are just as bad as being raped" Like no. Words will never be worse than actually assaulting somebody, and guys who push this and dumbass women with a savior complex who want to feel special need to get their heads out of their asses and use their fucking brains. Plus the legal implications of "lying about a crime is as bad as committing the crime" are hellishly dystopian when you take more than 2 minutes to think about it. Not to mention with all the unreported rapes already, this would only further discourage women from reporting because a man could "prove" she was lying and get her thrown in jail. Every time I hear that shit it pisses me off to no end stg.
Anonymous 28233
>>28232if a willfully false accusation leads to an innocent person losing years of their life in prison, that's pretty close.
Anonymous 28234
>>28233People don't lose years to prison time for rape, and being sent to jail by mistake isn't even remotely traumatic like actual trauma by rape. Time lost isn't the same metric when the time is spent in the wrong spot (where you get meals and time to work and study) vs time lost from ptsd and related post rape issues which is money spent on therapy if you have the income while suffering from the aftershocks of rape for as long as ptsd ails you. Potentially forever.
And realistically, false rape accusations don't make it past the court phase because for a criminal act you need to be proven
beyond a reasonable doubt in court. It's just such a non issues it's stupid. Most "false rape" situations involve women who didn't report to the police and instead told the community and you have to trust the guy isn't obviously lying and claiming he's been falsely accused. And what good does that do for the woman accusing him? All the revile and hatred that being a rape victim and accuser of a man gets. You don't get coddled, no one helps you or looks to you with sympathy, crying rape won't get you free therapy, and your life lives with the mark more than the guy will because it always blows over after a while for the guy even if he definitely did it cause people would rather support a man than punish him for actions done against women for his whole life. If he'd raped another dude that's the only way he'd certainly have his life ruined by a rape accusation. Otherwise give it a year or two and people will be back to being their public friend and nobody will care about the past accusations no matter how true or at least possible they may be. They'll cope about his reasons, act like it never happened, or how it's a mistake that'll never happen again and the girl should just "get over it cause he's a nice guy".
Anonymous 28237
>>28233Tbh if a scrote pisses someone off so badly that they’re willing to derail their life for a while just to fuck up his, he probably deserves it.
Anonymous 29155
>>28237true, moids need to know their place if they dont wanna be falsely accused, just dont sleep with anyone other than your wife and dont sexually harass every women you see. easy
Anonymous 29170
>>27140This one genuinely made me cackle
Anonymous 29171
>>29169Looks tired and disappointed.
Anonymous 29421
>>19168>80 percent of arsonshow much you wanna bet those numbers are lower than they should be because women feel like the only way to escape a turbo abusive scrote is to burn that bastard down
Anonymous 29422

>>29421Another bit of misandry: A large portion of the women who commit heinous crimes are usually roped into it by a moid in their life. So the numbers are even worse than they look.
Anonymous 29423

>>29422Yeah. If moids are factored in as a driving force that all those stats are somewhere between 99-100 percent.
It's crazy how the Y chromosome is just the murder chromosome
Anonymous 29432
>>29423Nobody looks like this or says this