
Guy Crushes Anonymous 2034
Post your 3D husbandos
Anonymous 2035

I still have yet to see something cuter than Michael Jones eating a 10lb gummy bear
Anonymous 2036

>>2034>>2035Such bad taste here and in the nsfw cute boys thread….
Anonymous 2039
Jake Gyllenhaal.jp…

You can just tell he has a nice dick and would treat you right. It's in his eyes.
Anonymous 2045

Colin Firth makes my girl parts tremble, especially as Mr Darcy (original, not BJ although I love that one too )
Anonymous 2047

Adam Conover
I just really like chubby geek guys. He also seems very nice and chill in his streams.
I will admit I prefer his old look back in his Olde English days (depth perception video on yt) but he's still pretty cute.
>10/10 would cuddle with while playing vidya
Anonymous 2048
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>>2047I found a picture of him from then. His old glasses suit him better. I might be biased since mine are similar though.
Anonymous 2049
my husband.gif

Brock O'Hurn
>tfw no stronk Viking husband who likes to cuddle kittens
Anonymous 2050

Cillian Murphy is number 1 3D husbando
>see also; red eye toilet scene
Anonymous 2051

yall probably think i have shit taste but i've thirsted over adam for a while now. somehow his ugliness makes him seem really masculine and appealing idk
>>2045agreed, and he's aging like a fine wine
Anonymous 2057

Rami Malek does the thing for me. He's absolutely petfect
Anonymous 2058

Anthony Padilla. Both emo hair era and now, just hnng.
Anonymous 2059

I can't be the only one, right? He looked better as he got older tbh
Anonymous 2065

Okura Tadayoshi from Kanjani8 i love his moles and "tired" eyes
is anyone else into j-idols? specifically Johnny's?
Anonymous 2067

>tfw no viking bf
why live
I don't even find him that attractive in real life but his character in vikings did it for me a lot. Most characters in vikings did it for me tbh.
Anonymous 2071

TFW Ben Barnes will never ride up to me on a horse and steal me away into the sunset
Why live.
Anonymous 2159

help me i'm eternally stuck in my mid-late 2000's emo thirst and still want both of them to murder me
>>2051>>2057>>2058>>2068hard agree on all of these, i have such trash/weird taste lol especially because the hottest bowie to me is labyrinth bowie
also, young steve buscemi and young christian slater have got me fucked UP
Anonymous 2259

Just FYI Keanu is my husbando.
Anonymous 2261

>>2041Ugh god.
My s/o looks a little like Damon Albarn when he styles his hair right.
Damon is god though. Still would even now.
Anonymous 2391

I know he has some jank ass feet but Ezra Miller is so beautiful and lovely looking
Anonymous 2392

Kentaro Sakaguchi.
He gives off this carefree and warm aura! His goofy smile is like a warm hug. Also, I love his jaw. I'm so sick of the stupid V-line chin trend.
Anonymous 2590
my b.jpg

young al pacino. what a qt
Anonymous 2592
Mads Mikkelsen.jpg

My other favorites already got posted so here's another one of my favs.
Anonymous 2624

>tfw you will never play with his hair while looking into his green eyes
Anonymous 2668

there is only one. too bad he is half turkish.
Anonymous 2705
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lol I had 2 threads open and posted my husband in the cutie gal thread. Sorry
Anonymous 2708

i would smash him with or without his long hair. his new tacky fashion sense and four nipples only makes things hotter for me.
Anonymous 2739

Dafoe, he has a great face.
Anonymous 2799

People bully him a lot but I think that he's really cute.
Anonymous 2802

>>2034Would have to be this man.
>tfw no Tesla daddy to electrify me. Anonymous 2803
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I don't know how I got flood detected even though I just posted now lol
Anonymous 3237

Young Bruce Campbell, but honestly even now he could get it
Anonymous 3238

>>2802I'm having a weird moment because this sounds like something I would post, but I don't remember posting it. Am I going crazy? Someone else tell me this is their handiwork.
>>3237Best itt.
Anonymous 3241

100% daddy material. Even now, still hot as hell and with a banging body.
Anonymous 3242

>>3241Please. I'd still have him even as the goofy mayor of Portlandia.
Anonymous 3299

Andrew VanWyngarden is/was super cute.
Had the biggest crush on him in like 2010 and i still find him cute.
Anonymous 3304

>>2071I want to cry, he was my first crush ever!
Also, Bill Skarsgård
Anonymous 4086

Play for me Stu, I'll be your girl-vulture.
Anonymous 4138
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white girl reporting I love george miller aka joji
Anonymous 4139

Timothée Chalamet is an absolute cutie.
Anonymous 4145

My newest crush
He also vaguely looks like my recent ex
Anonymous 4149

>>4148>>4141Hnng, i'm glad i'm not alone, you girls have a very patrician taste.
Anonymous 4435
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Dane Dehaan is a total and absolute cutie.
Anonymous 4436

Probably my favourite gif of all time…
Where can you find guys like him, young Leo,
>>4435 or little Timmy?
Genuine question, I never seem to encounter guys of that particular type irl. What kind of hobbies do they have? The only ones I meet are either football + drinking fans (who couldn't care less about how they look…), greasy nerds, those bearded hipsters or the "my daddy's gonna sue you!"-law/business student types.
Anonymous 4445
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>>4436If you ever find out, tell me, because same.
Sometimes i'll see these kind of boys walking down the street and i am dying to talk to them, but i'd feel more comfortable in a hobby/common setting.
Maybe college?
Anonymous 4447

Not even a weeb, but he was hot in fast and furious.
Anonymous 4458

this is my husbando but sadly this photo is old and he isn't half as cute today :'(
Anonymous 4461

tomoya nagase: no joke literally exudes everything i've ever wanted in a guy. his face has changed sm over the years but would absolutely get with any version of him
Anonymous 4477

tfw no autistic doctor bf to tell all my medical issues and to calm down and cuddle with
Anonymous 4544

Early 80s Adam Ant is so beautiful he causes me physical pain, tbh
Anonymous 4749
yeats 2.jpg

billy was my only celebrity crush for about ten years, until a switch flipped somewhere in my head and I was able to get over it and start having feelings for guys I could actually, y'know, have.
yeats is still my once and forever literary husbando though.
Anonymous 4751

Young Roger Taylor was really hot, kinda prince.
Anonymous 4948

raviv ullman aka phil from phil of the future still looks fine as hell
Anonymous 4952

I can't stop thinking of him as of late, his voice is so beautiful and calming. It's a shame how he looks now.
Anonymous 5162

yuta orisaka… doe like features and the most interesting singing voice
Anonymous 5174
Herr Urst.gif

This guy gets posted on /fa/ a lot, has got some quality stuff on his blog, even if it is pretty much nazi larping
Anonymous 5181

>>5174Speaking of guys posted on /fa/, I've been drooling over this picture for days.
Anonymous 5182

>His parents divorced when he was 13,[13] and he and his older sister Mandi lived with their mother,[4] an experience Gosling has credited with programming him "to think like a girl".
>He "hated" being a child,[9][18] was bullied in elementary school[19] and had no friends until he was "14 or 15".[20][21] In grade one, having been heavily influenced by the action film First Blood, he took steak knives to school and threw them at other children during recess. This incident led to a suspension.
>He was unable to read[22] and was evaluated for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), but was not diagnosed with it and, contrary to false reports, never took medication.
>Performing boosted his self-confidence as it was the only thing he received praise for.
I love you Goose
Anonymous 5184

you guys have good taste
i want matt champion to fuck my shit up tbqh
>>5181he has a tiktok account! it's @noeneubanks
Anonymous 5190

c.c needs more photos of my love!
Anonymous 5327

dumping my own
do you ever feel bad cause you feel too ugly for them irl?
Anonymous 5329

>>2799same tbh wis he would clean his lyfe up
Anonymous 5390
Screenshot 2019-04…

brett from (dying youtube channel) cow chop is perfect in my humble opinion
Anonymous 5391

>>2034dan smith looks so cute here (from when he was younger) but totally different in other (more recent?) pics? idk a lot about him. but he definitely looks better with that hair
Anonymous 5447

I realized I was talking about other husbandos, but not mine. I would love to cuddle with Steven Wilson while he sings to me, I've imagined that situation more times than I like to admit.
Anonymous 5534

I'm late but Cody Fern was hot in AHS S8.
Anonymous 5536

He stole my heart back during my emo phase and I still love him to this day
not with his weird mullet hair though
Anonymous 7405

i dont know why but this one personality james mcavoy plays in split can get it
Anonymous 8366

needs moar Richey. I think if I had 1 wish I'd ask to find out what happened to him
Anonymous 8399

He’s adorable, there’s something about his eyes that makes me wanna hug him
Anonymous 8406

Judge all you want but it's still cute
Anonymous 8455

posting my husbando
i want a bf who looks like this so muchh
Anonymous 8477

the accent pushes him over the top tbh
Anonymous 8753

I'm surprised no one posted Robert Pattinson. He aged pretty well imo
Anonymous 8859

Got into GvF recently and I'm crushing real hard on the lead singer rn. I'm not normally into short guys but he gets a pass because he's real cute
Anonymous 9251

i don’t really enjoy his content but the way he looks like my ultimate ideal crush …………. he really makes me want to get a bf
Anonymous 9268

niki proshin wholesome siberian tiktoker
Anonymous 9270

I just found some pictures of Christoph Waltz when he was younger…. hhh gnng…
Anonymous 9271

>>9270Im so touch starved i want to jump off of a house
Anonymous 9669

King Critical is so hot im going to jump off of a house
Anonymous 13207

Just watched Back to the Future for the first time and Biff was kind of a qt.. besides his personality.
Anonymous 13229

Jason Statham
i'm as basic bitch as they come
Anonymous 13466

>>2051Brent Spiner has my heart but Adam Driver is gorgeous too. I don't give a single shit that they're both considered ugly by most women.
Anonymous 13584

I'm really into eboys and I wish I wasn't
Anonymous 13585

Yes, I'm a Cawweyhag. Every man I want to fuck in entertainment turns out to be an egotistical piece of shit who lets fame go to his head. See also Taika Waititi. Reputation be damned, I'd also let Jared Leto fuck the shit out of me.
>>13466he's cuter than AD, very pretty eyes
>>13273I blame recent viewings of his movies, but I understand this. Have you seen the nsfw shoot he did with Claudia Schiffer? Phew.
Anonymous 13732

composer aesthete types are dreamy - that being said his glasses and hair don't make it any less easy to not swoon
Anonymous 13844

Random guy from a 90’s Gap commercial I saw on youtube lol. The pale skin really does it for me.
https://youtu.be/5D3VrMeW_Hg>>13732I don’t know who he is, but he’s adorable.
Anonymous 14090

Not crushing personality vise at all I think he just has perfect face featured and stuff
Why does he have to be gay
Anonymous 14240
mike stoklasa.jpg

I think mike stoklasa from red letter media was genuinely handsome.
before he let himself go lol.
Anonymous 14299

>>13207i love back to the future! young michael j fox is so cute
Anonymous 14812

Slightly younger, clean-shaven Q from Impractical Jokers is very cute
Anonymous 15296

I've an impossible crush on Glenn Gould. Holy shit was he cute.
Anonymous 15297

>>2051The first time I saw Adam Driver in Star Wars I was like "yes this is it." My bf looks like him a little (less refined though because he's not a celebrity) so I wonder if maybe that's why
>>2062Taika's character in What We Do in the Shadows is my favorite. He plays the sweetest vampire and I just love him
For pic related I specifically like Henry Cavill as Geralt. I think he's attractive other times but I'm not all about him (like as Supes). I think it's the long hair and the bright contacts that do it for me
Anonymous 15330

I love him so much. I'm not really into his whole current femboy phase though and I really miss sadder edgier incel drug addicted 2014-2016 Bladee because he's relatable. That being said it's nice to see him happier and slightly less drugged up these days.
He's so pretty to me, I just love how he tries to seem aloof and too cool for school on the outside but is obviously an insecure compensating soft emo boi with a passion for esoterica on the inside, trying to hide it behind a shallow hypebeast exterior. I also love his bad posture, gentleness, general aspie awkwardness, his weird hand and arm mannerisms, his soft voice, little accent, the way he looks all far-off and dreamy when he's high and the fact he sounds like Yoshi sometimes. Everyone loves Bladee you literally can't not adore him. He's an awkward angel.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5UCyW-0ct0QAnonymous 15332

chris cornell is the only dude who genuinely aged like a fine wine imo.
he had a cute baby monke face when he was young but he aged into a sexy suicidal pirate. rip daddy.
Anonymous 15512

Anyone watch the show Ink Masters? Cleen is soo cute to me which is weird because he is not my usual type.
>>15370BASED LOL
Anonymous 15592

Fucking fuming that I will Never Kiss Him
Anonymous 15616

Why am I even here, how am I not watching this show rn
Anonymous 15961

Lots of good taste in this thread, here's my contribution <3
Anonymous 16178

Santiago Cabrera but only with his Chilean Cristobal Rios accent. His natural accent and the other ones he uses are like nails down a chalkboard for me for some reason. Shame he doesn't seem to use the Chilean one for anything else.
Anonymous 16179

potentially the most embarrassing thing i could ever admit but i think that the riddler in the new batman is rlly cute
Anonymous 16565
Benjamin-Biolay (1…

kind of into benjamin biolay's look when he was younger
Anonymous 16621

Hello fellow Danofags, I've been busy cooming to him for the past couple week
Anonymous 18035

so beautiful. he looks so much like my ex, it's killing me
Anonymous 18156

anons will always complain but i'm just so into the look
Anonymous 18171

I just feel the need to announce that I am, in fact, lusting for this man
Anonymous 20583

i have the BIGGEST most embarrassing crush on data from star trek. every time he's on screen i start giggling uncontrollably he's just so cute and sweet
Anonymous 21147

Sometimes I think about how I'll never date young David Sylvian and consider death.
Anonymous 21638

Mamoru Miyano
I love every character I've seen him play and didn't even know until a few years ago that he sings too. Was surprised to find his voice is amazing and that he's hot too.
Anonymous 21654
>>21638LORD he's fine. Thank you for making me aware of this mans existence
Anonymous 21689

>>21654No problem. I recommend the album FANTASISTA if you're interested in checking out his music!
Anonymous 21690
>>21682Nice, thanks. He looks really fine too.
Anonymous 25563
>>21271has he shown dick and balls yet
Anonymous 26003

Why is this fit, tall, handsome guy wasting his time telling people to kill themselves in online games? I got introduced to this guy because of memes. But looking at his rants he seems to be rather articulate. Not as much a crush as just a real shame that someone as charismatic grew up to be so toxic.
Anonymous 26004
>>26003It's what happens when you grow up in the hood
Anonymous 26005
>>26003It's crazy easy money if you are even remotely popular.
Anonymous 26048

I had a fling with a guy who looked like a young Norman Reedus. Oh, I do miss him, but we were not compatible as people. Either way, Norman Reedus is such a babe in Dark Harbor.
Anonymous 26716

I'm watching american horror story right now and I don't think it's actually that good but I'm still watching because evan peters is cute
Anonymous 26717

Anons please help, I am not sure which thread to post this in. This one seems relevant enough.
Around a year ago I saw a photo of this really hot moid (on Pinterest I think?) and remembered him and now he's haunting my fucking mind. Unfortunately, I'm struggling to hunt him down. I know he's semi-famous so there's a chance one of you will know exactly who I'm talking about
>military moid
>the picture was of him in modern military garb and a black balaclava looking at the camera, it was a selfie
>dark color eyes very gorgeous, btw
>pretty sure he was briefly a meme in Finland
>has/had a military-themed Youtube channel
low quality finnish flag to attract finns
Anonymous 26718
>>26717Only guy who comes to mind was Estonian guy Artur Rehi? He has made lot of Finland related videos. You are not talking about him?
Anonymous 26720

>>26717>>26718Nevermind anons, false alarm. He's not a cute Finn, he's a Kaliningrad Ruski dog. Sorry for harassing Finnettes with the flag, I was so convinced that he was Finnish for some reason (schizophrenia be acting up)
I found the bastard on someone's ♥Military Aesthetic♥~ Pinterest board. He's Roman Partizan. I hope he gets testicular cancer for having me waste 2hrs of my evening. Pic is the one I was describing.
Anonymous 26752

>>26720this guy…. i had a HUGE obsession phase over roman partizan a while ago and it's embarrassing to think about it now
I don't even know russian but I spent hours watching and downloading every single one of his youtube videos and collected hundreds of photos of him
it's funny because his face is always covered but that makes him 100x more attractive
pic unrelated, evan peters was cutest as kyle imo
Anonymous 26753

i feel dumb for this one but i think liquid chris is really cute
Anonymous 26763

Sakurai Atsushi of Buck-Tick. He was gorgeous, rip king
Anonymous 26777
>>26776ah im reminded of twink death… how depressing.
Anonymous 26807
>>26778Roman Partizan, he's a russian airsoft youtuber
I forget his channel name but it's something like 746 team
Anonymous 26813
>>26807You are so fucking real for this.
Anonymous 26814
>>2034Sergei Pavlovich the Russian UFC fighter. He's 6'7" :3
Anonymous 26817
>>21271>Purchased for $3What did she mean by this?
Anonymous 26818

>>26813What the fuck is this supposed to mean, I don't speak zoomer
Anonymous 26820
>>2039>>2043You know he slept with Taylor swift when she was 20 and he was ~30, then ghosted her at her birthday party to break up with her? (claiming she was too young and then he went on to date even younger women)
Anonymous 26833

I still like and miss the early 2000's emo guy look, like that Christopher Drew from Never Shout Never had.
Anonymous 27209

he looks gross sometimes but still would
Anonymous 27349
>>26820we all know moids have the minds of moids, just let me suspend belief for ~20 minutes
Anonymous 29137

Damn Christopher Walken used to look like that?!
Anonymous 29165
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Since no one else posts here I'll just talk to myself and post whoever
Anonymous 29174
>>29167hnnnnnng rami malek. is this pic recent? ive been avoiding looking him up the last few years b/c i am worried he will have gotten old looking
Anonymous 29176

>>29174I think that was from around 2017-2019. Here's a more recent one from 2 weeks ago, he's a little wrinkly but not drastically different imo.
Anonymous 29240

Gbillz… his personality in his YT videos is SO obnoxious but he’s actually cute physically despite being a midget
Anonymous 29409

Adewale akinnuoye agbaje 🤤 especially as Simon Adebisi in oz.
Anonymous 29442
>>2047You guys like this fucking soyboy ? wtf!