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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 29715

Post pictures that are literally you.

Anonymous 29716


This is literally me. Just a small silly bird

Anonymous 29720

image0 (2).jpeg

right now i'm the baby but hopefully one day i'll be the mama bear

Anonymous 29723


I know at last five dudes that would say that with their whole chest and mean it.

Anonymous 29724


Anonymous 29726


Anonymous 29739


The outfit is a bit too revealing for me but I love thrift stores.

I honestly wanna go in and just see what outfits I can mix and match with what I see.

Not to mention the stuff I come across.

Anonymous 29740

Is there even a reason to go to brand shops for outerwear anymore? I don't know anyone who doesn't prefer thrift stores.
I usually buy one thing at a time and hate having unnecessary clothing but even then, the thrift stores I've been to have had a wider range of choice with clothes that were always clean.

Anonymous 29741

hqdefault (3).jpg

Anonymous 29800


Anonymous 29801

Top 10 Glass Objec…

Anonymous 29802

I actually used to be one of the people that didn't see the appeal in going to thrift stores and thought it was normal to pay $30 for a t-shirt. My mom raised me to think we're above everyone or some shit and that the thrift is for poor dirty people. Spoiler, thrift stores are awesome and so are the people who shop there + my mom's a bit crazy. I just wish they weren't getting so pricey ;(

Anonymous 29816

female meximutt wi…

Anonymous 29819


Anonymous 29831


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