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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 29715

Post pictures that are literally you.

Anonymous 29716


This is literally me. Just a small silly bird

Anonymous 29720

image0 (2).jpeg

right now i'm the baby but hopefully one day i'll be the mama bear

Anonymous 29723


I know at last five dudes that would say that with their whole chest and mean it.

Anonymous 29724


Anonymous 29726


Anonymous 29739


The outfit is a bit too revealing for me but I love thrift stores.

I honestly wanna go in and just see what outfits I can mix and match with what I see.

Not to mention the stuff I come across.

Anonymous 29740

Is there even a reason to go to brand shops for outerwear anymore? I don't know anyone who doesn't prefer thrift stores.
I usually buy one thing at a time and hate having unnecessary clothing but even then, the thrift stores I've been to have had a wider range of choice with clothes that were always clean.

Anonymous 29741

hqdefault (3).jpg

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