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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


crystal cafe discord Anonymous 11284

i used to be in the crystal cafe discord years ago, but i can't find it anymore. does it still exist? i'm trying to get in contact w an old friend from there :(

Anonymous 11285

nvm just saw that it got deleted like 4 years ago. okay:

hello [blank],
you were a teacher in brazil and moved to canada to be with your e-bf (his online handle started with a B and ended with a N, 6 letters long). i'd love to get in contact.

Anonymous 11301

Anonymous 11342

Lies, it is full of creepy /soc/ people, lots of violent incels, chuds and everything in between

Anonymous 11343

I hate that we can't have cool stuff like that because there's that many moids lurking. Just frustrated about it rn.

Anonymous 11345

Males keep spamming their shitty groomer discord servers in here

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