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Do not respond to maleposters. See Rule 7.
Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 11432

how many posters here are actually men

Anonymous 11433

I came here to find that out

Anonymous 11434

probably a lot to be honest

Anonymous 11437


Anonymous 11438

the mods should do an anonymous survey at some point.

Anonymous 11440

too many but they get deleted and defeated fast enough!

Anonymous 11441

the internet is run by moids and staffed by moids and traversed by moids nowhere has a majority female population

Anonymous 11539

Probably 30%+ but I dont care anymore

Anonymous 11559

Im pretty positive that atleats 20% are women. Im saying that because NSFW is not riddled with porn and people usually dont talk about sexual stuff and there is very little agp larping, or atleast it gets deleted pretty regularly.

Anonymous 11560

It should be a requirement on CC to attach a PG-rated yaoi picture to every post.

Anonymous 11592

no we don't

Anonymous 11593

Yh, not anymore lately

Anonymous 11595


The moid's have invaded and they're such a fucking droll. None of their spamming is actually funny. It's all just boring shit to ignore.

Anonymous 11598

i like gore raids better tbh

Anonymous 11658


men should be banned from the internet.

Anonymous 11668

Just checking if I'm banned here now too.
Otherwise it's rather flattering my post was worth removing.

They usually dont last and require me to return via wayback machine anyway. :/

Anonymous 11773


pinterest has the greatest absolute and relative difference in favor of female users.
second place depends on how you measure. women have 17 percentage points over men in terms of how many of us use facebook. but, going by relative proportion of user base, bereal comes in second after pinterest with about 2.5x as many female as male users. (surveying men and women about how many of them use x site is much better than going off of accounts which are overwhelmingly bots)

Anonymous 11819

That would include purging the deranged trannys such as (you) which would be a godsend

Anonymous 11849

isnt that mostly used by men tho?

Anonymous 11850

not to be that nona but rule 7

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