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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Programmers? Anonymous 1154

I'm curious what software crystal.cafe uses. I'm a programmer and think this community is really awesome! My friend linked it to me a few days ago. I'd love to help out if possible

Anonymous 1156

> Gentoo obviously

Is this a general question to the programmers on CC or a question to Admin about the hosting software etc? I'm tired AF and I can't understand whats happening Uguu

Anonymous 1157

Oh wait disregard that it's on meta, I'm full of gay and fail. Ignore me. &Sorry to samefag.

Anonymous Admin 1161

We use vichan with some custom code: https://github.com/vichan-devel/vichan

Anonymous 1163

Cool, thanks for the info :)

Do you have any tracking system for bug reports and feature requests?

Anonymous 1204

Thank you for this ^^

Anonymous 1520

Why won't my dollchan userscript work on this site? It should run on vichan boards.

t.not a computer expert

Anonymous Admin 1658

To be more specific, we're actually using a customized fork of Tinyboard, which vichan is itself a fork of: https://github.com/savetheinternet/Tinyboard

Anonymous 2628


Admin, I noticed that this imageboard doesn't have the readonly JSON interface enabled. This interface is very useful for writing mobile phone applications that can interface with imageboard software:-


I was attempting to add support for crystal cafe to a modified version of Kuroba I was working on (primarily for another site), would enabling the JSON inteface be a possibility?

Many Thanks

Anonymous 2686

lmao I just noticed the thread photo is horribly photoshopped

Anonymous 2891

Hello I also would like to request API pretty please.
> $config['api']['enabled'] = true;

Anonymous 4791

is it possible to contribute to crystal.cafe? I'm a full stack web developer, always looking for a new project, would love to help out

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