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i want a technology board Anonymous 11631

im a compsci freak especially cyber security but i wonder if a technology board will ever be added, i only used 4chan for the technology board but i got ip banned for using a vpn -_-

Anonymous 11632


bump. having a tech board here would be really cool. but it'll probably be pretty slow.

i don't feel you should be sad about getting banned on 4chan, though. /g/ is like the worst tech board i've seen, tbh. it's cancerous to the extreme.

in the meantime, i can recommend trying lainchan /Ω/ and /λ/ because they are genuinely enjoyable.

Anonymous 11633

I'm not super into cybersecurity, but a tech board would be cool.

Anonymous 11635

thanks lainchan is way better

Anonymous 11649

Yasss I love lainchan

Anonymous 11653

we have a board for makeup and other het women bullshit but no hobby related board. feminism is dead and cc admin is too schizo to get mods for all the CP raids

Anonymous 11699

We need a tech board bad.
So true. /g/ IS the worst and it's mostly bots now anyway.

Anonymous 11702

Make a general

Anonymous 11705


4chan vpn bans are STINKY
Every other month or so I come in and a bunch of moids are raiding with hard core, beastiality, rape or underage shit or something worse. I don't know why they waste their time but it makes me sick knowing they can just look at that and not feel a thing but twisted pleasure. I try to browse anyway but it makes me skittish.

Anonymous 11708


Would love to have a tech board here. Every other female dominated tech space is filled with troons and/or filled with incessant complaining about moids instead of, you know, technology.

Anonymous 11880

Make a /g/eneral thread. Keep it reasonably active. Then when it gets big enough that its cumbersome to just reply to nonas posting about what tech you enjoy, a board would be an actually good idea. Just write an OP covering technology as a whole and start.

Anonymous 11881

I don't think a technology board would turn out the way anyone wants it to.
I enjoy posting on technology boards on other sites, but I enjoy doing it because it's an opportunity to pretend to know more than I actually do in a subject I have a pretty tenuous knowledge about while roleplaying as a low life high tech rebel punk. My mental projection of myself at those moments involves a neon-pink mohawk. And this is always in keeping with how each and every other poster on those boards is also talking. It is a fun atmosphere when you realize that not only is nobody really serious they are also not usually all that knowledgable. They are each of them illustrations of how so much fakery and flimflam gets out of control in an environment like Silicon Valley. And I would 100% bring that attitude and practice here.

Anonymous 11888

unfortunately I think a tech board would just attract more troons here than we already got.

Anonymous 11889

I think we don't have enough users for a technology board, but we could have a technology thread on /b/.

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