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Board is being flooded with moids again Anonymous 11731

Because of the “femcel”/“radfem” girl, annoying snarky moids seem to be flooding here.

Anonymous 11746


Imagine having an entire website like this one dedicated to moids and you STILL flock over to a smaller community for girls and women.

Men truly are the weaker sex and so needy for fem attention. It’s embarrassing.

Anonymous 11747

dedicated to moids? do you mean kohlchan or what?

Anonymous 11751

It's a weird thing, they cry and claim to be better than women and make all these changes because they still can't live with the fact that some chick rejected them lmao women live in their brain despite how much they claim to hate us

Anonymous 11756



Anonymous 11758

>Because of the “femcel”/“radfem” girl

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